Better Ways To Secure Your Business

Two focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. One of the key aspects of your business is its security. You always want to think of ways to secure it. The following contributed post is entitled, Better Ways To Secure Your Business.

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There are many business risks your company can face. Whether it’s struggling to balance a budget or attract customers, there is always something you must do to keep things running smoothly. Another common business risk is security and safety. Without proper measures, your business exposes itself to hacks and breaches, as well as theft or even hazards that could impact your customers and employees. So, how do you secure your business to make sure none of these issues hinder your growth?

Protect Your Data

As almost everything is done online in the modern world, protecting your company and customer data is essential. The best-prepared businesses will have robust cybersecurity measures to ward off third-party threads and minimize the risk of a breach.

However, even the best cybersecurity is not always enough. Companies should also provide employee training to teach them how to recognize phishing scams that could put their information at risk. Establishing policies that encourage employees to change their passwords regularly (even if this is autogenerated) will also enhance your company’s cybersecurity.

Reinforce The Office

If you still rely on an office, it must be reinforced, safe, and secure for anyone who spends time there. Many businesses still require a dedicated workplace to store files, or simply because employees cannot complete their tasks from home.

Safety elements are essential for keeping your business secure and protecting everyone in the building. Regular check and maintenance for elevators is a must, while commercial roofing contractors can also repair or upgrade your roof to prevent issues such as water or storm damage from impacting the workday.

Identify Risk Areas

Your business should also identify common risk areas that could impact your business. These risk factors can include everything from everyday office hazards, such as cables or wet floors. But, you should also consider dangers like aggressive customers or even aggressive employees.

Background checks can minimize the risk of hiring people who do not fit your company culture and put others at risk. In retail settings, you should also think about theft, especially during busy periods where your security team is stretched too thin. Understanding the primary risk areas will allow you to take proactive steps to prevent them from impacting your business.

Establish ID Cards

If your business deals with sensitive information, you must make sure that only authorized individuals can gain access to the property. Many companies use appointments to determine whether someone should be on the premises, but you can take this a step further, too.

An ID card system will only allow those with the relevant credentials to enter the building or at least sensitive areas of the building. As sensitive information is stored in administrative areas, supplying ID cards will ensure that others cannot gain access. Should anyone leave your organization, make sure you collect their ID card upon leaving to prevent them from returning.


A secure business will thrive in a variety of situations. As long as you remember to put protective measures in place across the board, you can make the progress you have always wanted for your company, whether establishing yourself or looking for growth opportunities.

Technology To Keep Your Home Secure

Two key focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Technology. For individuals who own their homes, their primary residences are their largest investment. As such those investments must be protected and their ways to use technology to do so. The following contributed post is entitled, Technology To Keep Your Home Secure.

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Keeping your home secure and safe has always been at the top of many people’s priorities. It is just as important as ensuring the security of your business. We all know that it is important to close your windows and lock your doors before you go out, but as technology develops, there are more and more gadgets and tools that we can use to improve our home security. Many of the security items will be familiar, but they now have added technology that can help to make your home safer than ever:

A doorbell with a camera
No longer do doorbells just alert you to the fact that somebody is at the door, they can now show you who is at the door. This is useful for those unexpected house callers, as you can talk to them to find out who they are before you open the door. The camera doesn’t usually run all the time; it triggers when somebody comes to your door. There are even doorbells that allow you to connect to your phone so that you get alerts when there is someone at the door, and you can talk to them, even when you aren’t in the house.

A secure padlock
Padlocks are known for making things secure and safe by preventing people without a key from opening whatever you have secured. However, they have become even more secure with the invention of the biometric padlock. Biometric padlocks allow you to use your fingerprint, smartphone, or a password to unlock. No more losing keys, or getting your lock picked!

Home security systems
Home security systems are a great way to deter burglars and alert others if there is an intruder around. Many alarm systems set off an alarm when movement is detected in your home, but now there can be much more to home security systems. Many come with security cameras, some with excellent night vision. If your camera detects that someone is there, some will send you an alert and image of the person. This allows you to decide what to do if there is someone you don’t know outside. The alarm will still go off if someone breaks in, but this extra level of security acts as more of a deterrent and will provide authorities with an image of the perpetrator if anything happens.

Online security
Breaking into your home is no longer one of the only ways people can find your personal details and steal from you. There are now many cybercriminals out there that will try to do this online. You can put things in place to prevent any breaches of data from happening. All the passwords that you choose should be complexed and include numbers and special characters. Make sure that your device and the software on your device is regularly updated, encrypt anything private, and install effective firewalls. If you run a small business, it may be a good idea to get some advice from an IT professional who specializes in cybersecurity so that you can be sure everything is secure.

Keep Your Business Secure In 3 Simple Steps

Two of focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. One of your goals in running your business is to keep it secure. There are some simple steps you can take to do this. The following contributed post is entitled, Keep Your Business Secure In 3 Simple Steps.

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Keeping your business safe needs to be your number one priority, and if that is not the case right now, you need to make sure it is as soon as possible. If you don’t know how to do this, then you have come to the right place because we are going to be talking about three of the simple steps that you can take to keep your business secure. If you want to know more about this topic, keep reading down below.

Erase Your Non-Important Files

The first thing that we are going to suggest to you is that you erase any files that you no longer need whether they hold sensitive information or not. Erasing computers can be easy, here’s how with WipeDrive, so you don’t have to be worried about your business being at risk. If you get rid of the files, then there is nothing that anyone can do to your company as they won’t have the evidence or the data that they require. We suggest that you do this a few times per year so that you can be sure there is nothing on there that you wouldn’t want to get out to the public.

Invest In Anti-Virus Software

Something else that we highly recommend is that you invest in anti-virus software. Now, there are a number of places that you can purchase this from, and if you go online, you are going to find a list of the best antivirus softwares on the market right now to help you choose which one you are going to use to protect your company. If you make this investment, then your online presence is going to be far more secure, and you are at less risk of someone gaining access to your network remotely. If this happens, your network is going to be completely vulnerable to the whim of the attacker, and this is not something that you want to happen which is why it is so important that you take this precaution.

Hire Security

It is not just online that you need to be thinking of, you are going to need to protect your business premises. Security guards are going to be a good idea and having CCTV installed around the building is going to give you that extra layer of security. You don’t need to panic about the cost either as you need to treat this like it is an investment into your business, because at the end of the day, it is. You need to know that your business is secure no matter what the cost is. This isn’t a difficult process to do, you just need to make sure that anyone you hire is trained properly and knows what to do in case of an emergency.

We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now know how to keep your business secure in three simple steps. Put these steps into practice, and your business is going to be far safer for it both online and offline.

Cut Through The Mumbo Jumbo Maze To Keep Your Business Secure

Three of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. Most businesses today have a digital component and thus it’s important to know how to keep your information systems secure. The following contributed post is thus entitled; Cut Through The Mumbo Jumbo Maze To Keep Your Business Secure.

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Every business should be focusing on security these days. But it can be difficult to know where to start with the task of keeping your business and indeed your customers protected. There’s a lot of tech nonsense online about how to do it that the average business owner probably doesn’t understand. This leaves them with only one option. Hiring an expensive security professional to handle the job for them and make sure all the bases are covered. Or, alternatively, you could cut through the nonsense and make sure you have the basic systems in place to keep your business secure. Let’s look at what this could mean.

Passwords 101

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You will have important data files related to security on your business computer or network. If you don’t have passwords, this should change right now. It’s crucial that you do take measures to keep those files and systems safe from prying hands and passwords are the best way to do it. Just don’t fall into the trap of creating a pass that is easy to guess. Passwords should be completely random and should not contain any personal information relating to you or your company. You might think about using digital or electronic passwords, and the issue here is that the device storing them can be stolen and then used against you.

Get On The Cloud

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You might still be wary of using cloud servers in your business model. But they are a great deal more secure than the average document that can be taken at any point. Cloud servers simply mean that data is stored on a network and the actual storage space won’t even typically be in your business property. This makes hacks far more difficult and complicated, guaranteeing that most online criminals won’t even bother to try.


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You might have heard of encryptions and wondered what that actually means. Encryptions simply means that data can be taken but not viewed outside of a closed network. A token is an example of this. With tokens through systems like BlueSnap, it’s possible to hide user account numbers completely making transactions far more secure. Of course, this is just one example of a potential encryption.

You might also be talking to colleagues or clients through social media. Certain social media like Whatsapp offer encryption options that are secure enough they can be used by medical staff such as doctors and nurses.

Anti-Virus Software

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Finally, do make sure that you are putting anti-virus software on your business computer systems. Failing to do this is essentially like leaving the gate wide open for hackers and thieves. They won’t have to make much of an effort at all. Instead, they just need to make sure that a trojan virus is downloaded onto your system. That can be as simple as sending a fake email from a ‘client.’ Once the virus is downloaded, it can be filled with various dangerous pieces of software that could help a criminal clone your entire system and all your data. Alternatively, they might just choose to send you back to square one.