How To Master The Art Of Working Remotely

Two focuses of my blog are Career Discussions and General Education. Now more so that before, working remotely is a key consideration for both employers and employees. Working remotely is a valuable tool but it comes with its own set of considerations. The following contributed post is entitled, How To Master The Art Of Working Remotely.

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With remote working becoming the ‘new normal’, adapting to this new style of working has never been a more important task. Thankfully, learning how to master the art of remote working doesn’t have to be as difficult as you might initially imagine! In fact, this guide contains some of the most effective steps that you can follow to become a seasoned pro from the comfort of your home office. So, what are you waiting for? Read on to discover more!

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Create The Ideal Environment

One of the biggest stumbling blocks that people tend to struggle with while working from home is creating the ideal environment. Making the mistake of trying to work while you lay in bed or lounge on the sofa will no doubt hold you back from achieving your full potential, as you’ll simply be too comfortable, relaxed and chilled out to give any task your full attention. The same thing goes if you’re sitting somewhere too uncomfortable and cold like your dining room table, as you’ll be thinking about how painful your back feels rather than focusing on your work. The ideal environment for a home office is a private room, such as a spare bedroom or even a summer house (insulated shed) that you can repurpose into a dedicated workspace. Taking up a corner of a room will only lead to extreme distraction, especially if you live with other people, so try and find a space that you can fully dedicate to your new office. Choose a good color scheme for your home office, as you’d be surprised at just how much your palette can influence your mood and ability to focus. Make sure you buy a comfortable office chair with arm and head rests, along with a desk that is large enough to house all of your technology and paperwork – a cramped desk is a recipe for disaster, as you’ll be wasting too much time shuffling through your junk to find what you need. Try to allow some natural light into your home office, too. Natural light is better for your body and mind, as it helps to regulate your natural circadian rhythm and encourage more vibrant wakefulness. LED lights usually just cause headaches and migraines, so stick with sunshine whenever you can.

Add Extra Security & Privacy

When you work from home, you don’t have the same security and privacy that you do when you work in a dedicated office. A dedicated office will likely have its own secure internet connection that is monitored and controlled, whereas you’ll simply be using your own Wi-Fi or even a public Wi-Fi connection to access your files and apps while working remotely. You’ll also probably have no security cameras or other forms of physical security at your home as you would in an office, so this can open up a whole variety of risks and dangers that you need to be aware of. Adding extra security and privacy to your setup while you work from home is absolutely essential, as you need to be able to maintain the greatest confidence that your files and network is as safe as can be. Putting your data at risk due to mistakes made while working from home could prove catastrophic for your business, so there’s no time like the present to improve your chances of staying safe. Start by installing a reputable firewall on your computer and any other internet-connected devices, as this will act as a strong barrier that repels different risks that lurk on the web. You can also find some good antivirus software, as well as a computer cleaning program that rids your device of unwanted and potentially dangerous data. Make sure that you use complex passwords, changing them on a regular basis (at least once every 3 months). Always communicate using secure methods, as oftentimes things like email messaging can be corrupted and monitored by external sources. Suggest that your colleagues or staff follow these steps too, as even one weak link could jeopardize your whole network. It’s a good idea to find some resources for SD- Wan explained, as this might be an option you could benefit from.

Mastering the art of working remotely has never been such a simple task when you can utilize some of the brilliant tips and ideas that have been carefully described above. You’ll be able to smash your goals out of the park despite being away from your normal office environment, so follow these steps to become the best remote worker you can be!

Everything You Need To Know About Working Remotely

The first principle of my blog is Creating Ecosystems of Success and a key focus is Career Discussions. Some careers allow working remotely which is a very helpful option to have. There are several considerations for this privilege which can be very advantageous also be abused. The following contributed post is thus entitled, Everything You Need To Know About Working Remotely.

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There are many opportunities in working remotely, so if this is something you’re thinking about implementing into your routine, it could ultimately change things for you for the better. However, there are a few things you should know first.

Yes, you can work from wherever you want as long as there is an internet connection, and you may also be supported by the great technological advances in things like collaboration tools, cloud computing, improved communication tools, and so on. However, there are drawbacks. This is a trend that isn’t slowing down anytime soon, as people are no longer content to just work inside of a cubicle – so read on and you’ll get a feel for the main benefits and drawbacks.


Benefits of Remote Work Include:
When you work remotely you can take advantage of flexible working hours. You can spend more time with your children if you have a family, and you’ll usually be able to work around your hobbies and anything else you have going on. You will need to be able to draw a clear line between your work and personal life, but if you can do that, then it will be an ideal way of life for you. There’s no dress code, and you’ll learn new skills, such as bookkeeping, management, etc. You’ll likely save money from not having to commute to a place of work, which is also better for the environment. Then there are the great tools like microsoft rds to help you get the job done to a high standard. There are also more places to complete your remote work, with coffee shops welcoming remote workers and co working spaces popping up all over the place.

The Drawbacks of Remote Working Include:
Unfortunately, remote working offers limited social interaction. This can be fine for introverted workers, but maybe not so much for those extroverted workers who enjoy some company and conversation during their working day. Meeting new people and making friends is pretty impossible, and you may get lonely or stuck in a rut. Plus, there’s usually no assistance – everything is on you. If something isn’t going right, it’s likely that you’re the one to blame. Of course there can be lots of distractions, too – you must be able to self manage if you’re going to do this successfully. The fridge is usually just a few steps away, as well as your phone, social media, and the TV. You have to be able to control yourself if you’re going to get as much work done as you can. It’s all too easy to give yourself regular breaks (which can be great if you’re actually working), and end up not getting a lot done at all. There may also be communication problems with other members of your team if you don’t have the right software.

Working remotely is certainly not for everybody, but it’s something you should probably try if you’ve been considering it as an option. Figure out solutions to the drawbacks here and you might just find that it’s a positive new direction for you.