The first principle of my blog is Creating Ecosystems of Success and a key focus is Career Discussions. Sometimes the obstacles holding us back from advancing in our careers is ourselves. Often it’s fear. The following contributed post is entitled, Are These Fears Limiting Your Career Progression.
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Are you bored with your current career position?
Do you regularly complain about your place on the career ladder?
Are you struggling to live on a low wage?
If so, then you need to take steps to progress in your career, whether that’s moving from an entry-level position in your own company, or be it moving into higher positions elsewhere if you have outgrown the company you are already working in.
But if you haven’t taken the necessary next steps yet, it could be down to the fears we suggest in this article. To move forward, you need to find ways to overcome them.
Fear #1: The fear that you aren’t good enough
What if you don’t have what it takes to manage new responsibilities? What if other people pick up on your weaknesses? What if you get fired for being bad in your new position?
These ‘what if’s’ are common to those who fear they aren’t good enough. However, if you already feel ready for career progression, then you might have what it takes after all. But even if you don’t, you can overcome this fear by taking the necessary steps to better yourself. So, you might take training courses to brush up on your skills, or you might consider a graduate degree that pertains to higher positions on your career path. You might also have the opportunity to learn key skills where you are now, so ask your boss for help, or speak to your colleagues for assistance.
By taking these steps, you will increase in confidence, and so the fear of not being good enough might disappear.
Fear #2: The fear of change
By moving into new positions within or outside of your company, you might be afraid of leaving the people you already have a working relationship with. Should you be ready to apply for executive jobs, you might be afraid of the responsibilities involved in a leadership position. If a move in your career necessitates a relocation, then you might be afraid of living and starting out somewhere new.
It’s the fear of change, of life being different, and while progression is a good thing, you might worry about the repercussions.
But here’s the thing. More often than not, change is a good thing.
In the examples we listed above, you might discover that you still have time to meet up with your existing colleagues while making new friendships along the way. You might enjoy a leadership role, not only because of the financial benefits but because you will have a hand in shaping a company too. And you might discover a wealth of new opportunities if you have to relocate, including the chance to meet new people and see other parts of the world.
Change doesn’t have to be a bad thing, and especially if you are worried that you are currently stagnating in your current position, you should consider the risk of change a viable one.
Listen, you don’t have to progress in your career. If you are happy where you, then fine. However, if you know you have more to offer your industry, and if you want to gain greater financial and personal rewards at work, then no matter what your fears are, you should face them head-on and take steps to conquer them. Your life might change for the better if you do.