Wide Load: Selling Large & Impractical Products Online

Two key focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. Some businesses sell large products that don’t ship easily, and there are special considerations for these types of ventures. The following contributed post is thus entitled; Wide Load: Selling Large & Impractical Products.

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For a lot of businesses, being able to sell products online has made life much easier over the last few years. Without having to start a normal store, this process is a whole lot cheaper than it used to be, and this has opened the doors for loads of companies to get started. Of course, though, when your products are very large or hard to handle, the online trend can start to become a hindrance. You have no choice but to sell online, but will face challenges which simply don’t come with smaller products. To help with this, this post will be exploring some of the best ways to solve these issues before you get started.

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Communicating Size: Simply giving customers the measurements for your products won’t often be enough when it comes to showing them the size of your goods. People will feel worried about buying something which they aren’t sure if they have room for, though, making it important to look for new ways to convey the size of your goods. One of the best ways to achieve this is through photography. As long as you have a common item in the shot, like a magazine, it will be easy for your customers to tell the size of the piece you’re selling. This trick may sound simple, but it can have a huge positive impact on your sales.

Storing Goods: When a business is selling small products, storing a couple of boxes is usually all they will need to keep a good inventory available to their customers. Larger products will make this very hard, though. To solve this issue, having a slightly longer delivery time quite be well worth it, giving you the chance to either make or order in the products as you need them. While this may stop some people from buying, it will be significantly cheaper than paying for a warehouse to keep goods which may not sell.

Shipping Orders: Getting orders out into the world is another challenge which large product sellers will often face. Normal delivery companies won’t be able to help you, as their vehicles simply won’t be big enough. To save looking for this company and that, there are loads of marketplaces around the web for those who need to buy large item delivery, making it significantly easier to get goods out of the door. Not a lot of people know about this sort of service, leaving them to pay for private companies to do all of their shipping. This can cost a small fortune, and won’t often enable you to handle more than a single order at a time.

With all of this in mind, you should be feeling ready to get started on the process of selling large goods. While a task like this may be a challenge, there will always be ways to overcome it, making your life as a business owner much easier. Of course, though, you will need to do plenty of research, and you may even have to talk to a couple of companies along the way.

3 Qualities Any Product Should Have

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. When generating a product of any kind for business/commercial use, there are some basic considerations to keep in mind as the seller/creator and for the customer. The following contributed post is thus intitled; 3 Qualities Any Product Should Have.

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Regardless of which side of the equation you happen to be on – whether you are a business owner making products for the general public, or a member of that public using products made by businesses – it’s good to know what people generally expect from products of all kinds, and what qualities tend to be important in products of all kinds. The truth is, this helps you to determine where you should put your money, and when you should complain – and if you do happen to be a business owner, it is also clearly important in ensuring that the products you make are made to the highest professionalism and degree possible. In this article, we are going to look at three qualities that any product should have, and which should be considered unavoidable. As long as a product has these three, it is much more likely to be a good acceptable product worth buying.


All in all, a product should answer some kind of problem with a useful solution. If it does not do this, it might be worth asking why it exists at all. But determining the usefulness of something is not always that easy, and it’s something which you will need to think about whether you are buying or making a product. The truth is it is hard to tell how useful something is until it is being used by people. But you can at least try to work it out by looking into what kind of solution it appears to be answering, and seeing if it is doing that. As long as it is, it is likely a product that people will enjoy greatly, and it will probably be successful and popular to some degree. Whereas, if it is not useful, that is much less likely to happen.


Something that we should consider an absolute basic of any product in the world is that it is safe – or at least as safe as possible, as obviously there are occasions when a product is by definition not safe – such as a weapon or a vehicle. But even those things need to undergo particular safety standards – in fact, especially those things – and a product being safe should be considered an absolutely vital aspect of it on the whole. If you ever buy a product which causes you some kind of injury or illness, then you should think about contacting a product defect lawyer, as they will be able to assist you with what your rights are and what the law states. But hopefully, the products you use won’t cause you any harm in the first place.


Finally, you should be able to use a product in an easy intuitive sense, so that you can get out of it exactly what you need to at all times. This kind of intuition is something that you can easily work on if you are developing products, and it is all about making sure that it works in the way that people would expect. This is a hugely important part of a product being usable and enjoyable, so it’s worth remembering.