How To Become A Better Leader In Your Roll

My blog focuses on Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship, and Creating Ecosystems of Success. Whether you are running a business or leading an organization, leadership is a critical attribute to the success of everyone involved. The following contributed post is entitled, How To Become A Better Leader In Your Roll.

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Anyone who is in a leadership role hopes to improve upon their skills and experience for the purpose of better leadership in the future. Whether you’re responsible for leading half a dozen staff or hundreds of staff, there are always ways in which to improve your leadership skills.

If you’re looking to become a better leader in your role, then here are a few ways in which you can help improve those leadership qualities in the new year.

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Improve your communication skills

Communication is something that’s crucial when you’re operating a business of any kind. It’s important to look at how you can improve your own communication skills when leading in business.

A lack of communication isn’t uncommon, especially within businesses nowadays where working from home and hybrid working is the norm. Conversations can get lost, which is why it’s important to look at how you could improve your conversation skills for the sake of your entire workforce.

Consider what communication skills are missing within your leadership and your company as a whole.

Become a role model for those who you’re leading

Role models are an important part of leadership because what you model around the workplace is something that should be respectful and positive.

As a leader, you are the person that many will look up to and therefore it’s good practice to do what you’d like everyone within your team to be doing. Whether that’s being respectful to others or working hard. Modeling good behavior is a great trait to pass on to your colleagues.

Make informed decisions

Informed decisions are something that you can improve upon when it comes to being a leader. Think about how you could use the data and analytics available to make better decisions for the sake of your team and the wider network of the company.

You may want to gather feedback from employees so that your decisions are grounded more on real information than assumptions.

Find ways to train further

There’s always room for improvement, even when you’re at the top of the company ranks. Strategic leadership training might be a worthwhile consideration when it comes to additional training.

After all, not everyone is born a natural leader and some may need a few training opportunities along the way to further develop their success as a leader.

It’s always worthwhile to be on the lookout for training opportunities and who knows how it might benefit you in the future.

Encourage others to thrive in their roles

Encouraging others to thrive in their roles is an important one and one that can certainly help grow your business in the future. You want to be able to provide equal opportunities for everyone and that includes providing them with career progression and training.

These tips will help you become a better leader not only for your benefit but for the benefit of all those who work under your leadership.

Showing Your Dedication to Your Team as a Business Leader

Two focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. They a say leadership moves from the top down. Thus, if you are the leader of business, showing your own personal dedication is an absolute must. The following guest post is entitled, Showing Your Dedication to Your Team as a Business Leader.

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• Business leaders can motivate their teams by exemplifying strong work ethics and professionalism.
• Encouraging feedback and open communication promotes understanding and fosters employee growth.
• Providing opportunities for growth and development, such as mentoring and training, cultivates employee skills.
• Incentives, recognition, and rewards appreciate employees’ efforts, boost morale, and stimulate productivity.
• Building a supportive, inclusive, collaborative work culture enhances team spirit and innovation.

As a business leader, you are responsible for motivating and inspiring your team to achieve your organization’s goals. However, this can only be possible if you show your dedication to your team. Investing in your team member’s growth and development is crucial by providing them with the necessary resources, skills, and knowledge. This blog post will discuss various ways leaders can show their dedication to their staff and motivate them to deliver outstanding performance.

Lead by example

People often look up to business leaders as role models. As a result, you should always be at your best regarding your work ethic and professionalism. Your actions should align with the core values of your organization and inspire others. Furthermore, exhibiting a positive attitude and work ethic inspires your team to emulate your behavior.

Seah Moon Ming, the current SMRT Chairman in Singapore’s transportation sector, is an excellent example. He emphasized the difference between a manager and a leader and proved it through actions by getting things done and providing the vision for the company. He also leads by example by living his values of safety and reliability while he manages the business team.

Encourage feedback and communication

Leaders should always encourage open communication with their team members. They should feel comfortable reaching out to you regardless of their concerns, suggestions, or complaints. Encouraging feedback helps you understand each member’s strengths and weaknesses, which allows you to offer constructive criticism and focus on areas that need improvement. Additionally, by listening to feedback and taking action, you show your team that you value their opinions and are committed to their growth and development.

Provide opportunities for growth and development

Investing in the growth and development of your team members is critical to their success and that of your organization. Employees want to feel that their efforts are being recognized and rewarded. As a leader, you should provide your team these opportunities that will allow them to learn and develop their skills. Here are some ideas:

Offer mentoring and coaching

Every employee needs guidance from someone experienced and knowledgeable. A mentor or coach can help your staff gain the skills they need to succeed in their roles. They can also provide support and constructive criticism to help improve performance.

Provide training opportunities

Offering formal training sessions or workshops for your team is an effective way to develop their skills and help them become more knowledgeable in their field. Offering such opportunities is also a great way to show your team how committed you are to their growth and development.

Offer career advancement

When employees see that they have an opportunity to advance in the company, it encourages them to work harder and develop their skills. Offering career advancement opportunities also shows your team that you recognize hard work and dedication. Provide your staff with the necessary resources and support they need to move up in their career.

Encourage them to attend conferences, workshops, or seminars

Attending conferences, workshops, and seminars can help your team become more knowledgeable in their field. These events can also provide valuable networking opportunities that could lead to their future growth and success. Look for ways to invest in such events to show your dedication and commitment to their development.

Provide incentives, recognition, and rewards

People like to feel appreciated and recognized for their hard work. Creating an incentive program that recognizes hardworking team members goes a long way in showing your dedication to their continuous growth and development. Rather than merely waiting for performance reviews, recognize and reward excellent work ethic whenever you see it. It encourages others to work harder and motivates your team to do their best.

Build a positive work culture

Finally, you should know that you have the power to create your organization’s culture. You should strive to create a collaborative, inclusive, and supportive work environment that enhances teamwork and collaboration. Encourage humor, positive energy, and creative problem-solving to generate inspiration. Start by engaging in activities outside of work, such as team-building exercises or social gatherings. This will help to strengthen the bond between you and your team and create an environment that helps to foster their growth.

Showing dedication to your team in various ways is essential for the success of any business. You should strive to be an example for your team and create a positive work environment that encourages collaboration, open communication, and innovation. Invest in opportunities for growth and development, recognize their hard work with incentives and rewards, and provide mentoring programs to help them reach their full potential.

Doing this will help you build the foundation for a successful business by motivating your staff to deliver outstanding performance. You can inspire them to reach their goals with your dedication and hard work.

What Having Kids Teaches Us About Being a Leader

A key focus of my blog is Creating Ecosystems of Success. They say that having children forever changes you. If done right, it imparts one specific quality on you, leadership. The following contributed post is entitled, What Having Kids Teaches Us About Being a Leader.

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Being a parent is about raising this little person and nurturing them. In essence, you are the most influential person in the world to this little thing. As they grow older, you can find yourself losing your way, becoming caught up in your emotions, or making wrong decisions. And it’s the little things that can help you directly if you want to be a better leader. If you are looking to motivate employees or you are considering becoming a leader, what can having children teach you about being a leader?

It Is About the Team, Not the Individual
In the working environment, it’s about a group effort. As parents, we can get drunk on our own sense of power. If we start to be the parent that tells our children not to do things and then respond with “because I said so” when they ask “why,” we’ve got to make a lot of changes to our own abilities. Think about working as a team. And you can do this in simple ways. You can start to play sports together. You can incorporate extracurricular activities where you all play sports, such as baseball or softball. You can even start to make it a real team effort by providing a tangible goal for the kids, such as a trophy. And you can also make it a more fun effort with personalized lineup cards and create a tournament. And it’s all of these little things that work so well in both scenarios. By helping people to focus on the bigger picture, you start to motivate them. This works for employees, but it also works for children. And it also works for you because it makes you realize that you are part of a team and are not someone who is above them.

Everybody Is More Resilient Than They Think They Are
When you have employees and you are trying to improve their performance, despite stress coming from every direction, it’s about applying enough of a stimulus to facilitate an appropriate response. When we experience stress, we have to learn how to adapt to new situations. And there will be things that we can learn from our children that as adults we will completely forget about. Seeing children adapt to new situations is really interesting. You may see that they are incredibly upset when you drop them off for their first day of preschool. After all, you’re giving them away to a foreign environment, but what happens is that they adapt and get over their fears. This is something that we can all learn because we experience troubles but when we get stressed, we, as adults, internalize it. Children tend to externalize it so they don’t necessarily feel the scars, but they also learn to adapt. If we ever start to feel overwhelmed by something, we need to look at our children and remember that they have gone through stressful times more recently than we have, from preschool to all the emotional changes they have experienced in quick succession.

As a parent, we’ve got a lot of life experience, but we have to remember that this life experience can transfer to the office. Having children can train you to be a leader in more ways than you realize.

What It Takes To Be A Great Business Leader

The first principle of my blog is Creating Ecosystems of Success, and two key focuses are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. Many people want to start businesses know much about becoming great leaders of business. There are a couple of keys to it, and the following contributed post is entitled, What It Takes To Be A Great Business Leader.

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Leadership is a funny thing. Many people compare themselves to a lion, and there are many memes that talk about how to be fierce and forceful. But perhaps a real leader looks more, a wolf. One single leader, with a pack underneath them that includes workers, managers, and the weak and elderly.

But what does it take to be a great business leader? To have the acumen of people like Kheng Ly, to take things and turn them into success stories?

Photo by Eva Blue on Unsplash

Work With Your Strengths

Not everyone is good at everything, and personality matters. Being ‘strong’ looks different is pretty much any situation. But working with your personality, knowing what makes you tick can help you as you then put that to use and learn how to get the best out of other people. Being open and knowing where your personal weaknesses are is a great asset. You don’t have to label them as a weakness either, acknowledge their existence and work with them. Your personality will be a big part of your brand, and it should be celebrated rather than broken down and rebuilt.


Business changes so quickly it can make your head spin. Being able to roll and adapt is going to make a real difference in how you run your empire. Seeing when things are going to disrupt your company and making the necessary changes will mean that your staff and support won’t feel a significant impact, but instead, they will be able to adjust too. Following the example, you have set.


While you do need to keep a keen eye on your bottom line, you also need to be aware of your staff, production line, and the people all the way down to the office cleaners. Showing that you care about their job and them as a person. Learning names, building an office ecosystem that rewards your staff and being available when you are needed will make a huge impact. Remember in Happyness, when the 5 dollars was returned? It can be something as simple as repaying kindnesses.


Focusing on your goals is going to be essential to getting things done. Avoiding distractions and not getting pulled into things that just don’t make an impact on your business is one of the best things that you can do for yourself and your business.


You can’t build a global brand if you are faking it. This feeds into the point about personality and your strengths too. Develop your own voice, one that staff and customers can all trust. Leaders, in most cases, can be trusted and speak honestly on any topic – no matter how difficult.

Great leadership comes in many forms, some people are said to be natural born leaders due to their confidence and curiosity, others get there in time while growing their own voice and learning. Leadership isn’t always about leading the charge, it is often about being at the back supporting others in their goals too.