Two focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. While we think of our homes in terms of comfort and being the optimal place to live. It’s important to also think about reselling it. The following contributed post is entitled, How To Make The Most From Your House Sale.
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Photo by Binyamin Mellish from Pexels:
There are a host of reasons you might be looking to move house. It could be that you are moving somewhere such as Top Notch Homes which are mobile homes, you might be upsizing due to a new baby in the family, or you could just be looking to relocate. No matter the reason, when you are selling your home you want to make it as desirable as possible in order to get the most from it. The more offers you have, the more bargaining power and the more likely you are to get the price you want. Here we have a few top tips that should help you to make the most from your house sale and help your home to sell.
Fix up all the little things
Over time, every house accumulates those little niggles that might not be noticed by you anymore but could put off a potential buyer. Whether it’s the light without a light shade in the ceiling, the drawer without a handle, or the door that creaks when it’s opened. To make your house more appealing go and fix all these little things. You will be surprised at just how much of a difference getting all this sorted can make to how your home is perceived by those that visit. It’s a simple but easy fix.
Get rid of your clutter
Clutter is something that we all have. It is the bits and pieces that we have collected over the years that make a house a home. Yet while clutter can be great for you, it can also make a home harder to be envisaged by the potential buyers as theirs. Too much clutter can also make a space feel cramped and crowded and smaller than it actually is. Getting rid of clutter is also a great way to help you to have a sort out ready for your impending move and know what you will be packing to take with you.
Sort out the exterior of your home
The exterior of your home is just as important as the inside and is also the first thing that visitors will notice when they arrive. They say not to judge a book by its cover, but many do just that and if the outside of your home is looking shoddy or unappealing, they will be less likely to want to live there and would have ascertained negative thoughts on it before even going inside. Paint the outside where it’s needed, sort out your front door and give your windows a clean. They can all make a big difference.
These are just a few really simple tips that can help your home to appeal more desirable to potential buyers. By having the house look a lot more inviting and interesting, you are more likely to get more for it and have more offers. Have you recently sold a house? What did you do to ensure it sold for the price you wanted? Let us know in the comments below.