Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. Your most valuable asset is your time and thus as a business owner, you have to think about how to optimize your operations so they can be as efficient as possible. The following contributed post is entitled, 4 Key Steps To Streamline Your Business and Save Time.
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Time is money in business and every penny saved is a penny earned. Being able to streamline your business and cut down on wasted time helps massively in your quest for business success. However, if you are new to running or owning a business it can be a bit confusing, or even overwhelming, wondering what areas of your business that you can save time in or even eliminate altogether. Here are 4 key steps you can take to better streamline your business and maximize your time.

Standard Operating Procedures
Standard operating procedures, or SOPs for some, are a method of operating that lays out clear guidelines and procedures for performing certain tasks. They should be clearly written down and accessible, especially if you plan on bringing new hires into the company. What these procedures do is help you set up new hires and existing staff with the tools they need to complete tasks quickly and efficiently. By ensuring that all parts of any given task are laid out clearly and with attention to detail, there should be no excuses when it comes to performing tasks correctly and with speed.
Outsourcing is a great way to take some of the stress of running a business away from yourself, so that you may focus on other more important areas, such as customer acquisition and actual work. Anything can be outsourced these days, including your HR, payroll, and general administration. Finding a company that provides all of these services in one place is a huge benefit as you don’t then have to deal with multiple agencies who provide your services. For time and cost-saving, it is worth looking into what companies are out there and how they can help, such as the company at the next link (
Automating certain parts of your business allows you to save time on smaller tasks that would normally take up your day. You can automate most things from email responses to invoice generation. Remember though that just because you can automate something doesn’t mean you should. Some tasks still require a human touch so if you are going to set up automation make sure that you can keep an eye on it. Some software can be found for free or some can be paid for so If you do end up paying, make sure you are considering how much you are paying to how much time you are saving. Make sure it’s worth it.
Reduce Paper Usage
Reducing your paper waste is a great way to streamline your operations. By removing paper usage you can remove the time that it takes to process and digitize. Doing this will save a number of hours in the long run which will again save you money as well. However, there are some documents that just cannot be eliminated no matter how hard you try. For these documents, it is recommended that you implement a solid and function paper filing and documenting system. It isn’t enough to just put them in a folder and hide them in a drawer somewhere. You must be able to access them as and when you need them, and to be able to do so quickly and efficiently.