Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. Many would argue that your business’s marketing strategy is its most important component. The following contributed post is entitled, Marketing Tips For Your Small Business.
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If you’re running a small business already, or are even thinking of starting one, then you know that marketing is going to play a large role in the success of the business, but you may also be finding that you don’t really know where to start with it.
Well, luckily, we’re going to share with you some practical tips that you can use when it comes to marketing your business, so check them out below.
When it comes to running a business that has any kind of online presence, then content really still is king, and it’s important that you understand the value good content can have in your business in the long term.
Setting up a blog also isn’t as difficult as many people would have you believe, and the good thing about it is that it can be mostly automated once you actually have your content plan set up, so this means that you’re not having to worry about running out of content ideas or not having posts go out on a consistent basis.
Social media:
Everyone who runs a business nowadays will likely have heard at some point how powerful and important social media is in their business, but that doesn’t mean they know how to use it properly, because although it’s not overly complicated once you have a plan, you do have to understand some things before getting started with it, such as understanding your ideal clients and really having a solid marketing strategy and plan in place before you start posting on social media.
Live events:
Although live events may take some work to get set up, they can truly be one of the best ways to market your business to both a new and existing audience, and in fact they can be so lucrative that some business owners will rely on them for most of their marketing because they just bring in so much new customers.
Getting things set up of course will require a bit of advanced planning, and you can look at places like a Mesquite Sign Store for ideas on what kinds of things you could have at your event in terms of promotional material.
There are often a lot of people who claim that in-person networking is no longer useful for business owners, but this simply isn’t true and it’s not so much about what you’re doing, but how you’re doing it, so if you’re looking to get away from things like social media and prefer a more direct in-person approach, then networking could definitely be something to consider.
Even if you’re using online marketing techniques, offline marketing such as networking is something you should be doing alongside.