Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. When you’re a business owner with employees, you have some responsibility for your worker’s safety but they share some as well. In each case you have to be transparent with them. The following contributed post is entitled, What You Should Know About Your Employee Responsibilities For Health And Safety.
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As a business owner, you will know that health and safety are incredibly important. Being complacent can be an extremely expensive mistake, the costs that come from injuries and ill health caused by poor health and safety and working conditions are staggering and can severely damage any company.

Photo by Anamul Rezwan from Pexels
With that in mind, it’s essential for you to know who’s responsible for what in relation to upholding the health and safety in the workplace, following your health and safety policy, and reporting any issues.
For the most part, it is the employer’s responsibility. You need to make sure your employees have the correct safety gear, for example, and you will also need to remain compliant with local laws. With regards the latter, you should check with the local government on health and safety laws in your state and follow them to the letter. Your electrical equipment will need to be certified safe, and if there is a risk of air pollutants, you will need to hire a specialist in Ambient Air Sampling.
However, health is safety is not only your domain. Your employees also have a level of responsibility. Regardless it’s imperative that anyone on site is kept safe, including visitors knowing the fire drills, contractors working safely at heights, or your employees learning the new policies.
Some of the responsibilities your employees have to include:
Take Some Responsibility For Their Own Care For Health And Safety
Your employees need to take an active approach when it comes to the care of their personal health and safety whilst in the workplace, They should be avoiding anything that could compromise this. There is certainly no size fits all for how you put this into action. How it works is going to depend heavily on the working environment you are working in. There are going to be different natural hazards that occur in different workplaces such as an office compared to a warehouse.
It’s best for you to carry out a risk assessment on each working zone in your workplace and with each individual member of staff. You can then discuss the ways your employees can help to look after their own safety with them on a personalized basis.
Cooperation With The Policies
A big part of your employee’s responsibility is to make sure they are following the instructions that you have set in place for health and safety. They’re there for a reason so, make sure they are following the rules. This includes them completing any needed training, communicating with you if there are any issues, and noticing any hazards that appear that are unusual.
It’s a good idea to make sure you keep track of any training your employees complete, this way you can put steps into place to give them the time to complete anything that is missing or updated.
Not Putting Others In Danger
Ok, so your employees need to be looking after their own health and safety, but they also need to be making sure they’re not putting others in danger too. In order to make sure they are fulfilling their duties, every employee needs to put into practice everything that they’ve learned through their training. This includes things like misusing equipment, not wearing protective equipment and taking unnecessary risks. If they see any dangers they should be reporting it straight away. Whether it’s wiring near their desk, drawers have been left open or fire exits been blocked, you can’t physically have eyes and ears everywhere at once. This means your employees need to think of health and safety as part of their job role.
Ultimately you need to make sure you communicate and train your employees to practice the health and safety policies at all times, the above areas will help you to make sure they are following their duties.