Three focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. If you own a business, you want to have a website of some form and ideally you want it to operate optimally. The following contributed post is entitled, How Is Your Business’ Website Performing?
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One thing that you’ll always want to be sure of when you have a business to run is that the website is working as well as it should. The better the website, the more that you are going to get out of it, so this is certainly something that you should try not to overlook if at all possible. In this post, we are going to discuss what you should look out for in particular to determine whether or not your website is performing well, and highlight some of the improvements that you might be able to make too. Let’s take a look.

Load Time
One of the most important factors in determining the health of your website is its load time. You obviously want this to be as fast as possible, because it means that the site is going to be considerably easier and less frustrating to use, which is something that most people are going to be happy with and find to be important. So reduce and remove as much as you can to streamline it, and you’ll find that the load time improves considerably, leading to a much better experience all round.
Bounce Rate
The bounce rate is a measure of how long people spend on the site before ‘bouncing off’ to another website. The longer you can keep eyes glued to the screen, the better, because it means you’ll have a greater chance of converting them into actual customers. So you’ll need to do all you can to keep the bounce rate as low as possible, and that might actually be easier than you think. One way is to make sure that you have a good hook for the site so that people are genuinely excited to be there. That is going to help a lot.
Because it is a website for your business, you are also going to need to think about branding, and make sure that this is as appropriate as possible, and that it’s powerful too. Having decent branding on your site brings more people in and it means that the site is going to function so much more as the marketing tool that you need it to be. If you are struggling with marketing your website, then look for help from the likes of Adtaxi to make things a little easier. Good branding really makes a significant difference to the site.

User Experience
Above all, however, is the user experience, which you will want to be as good as possible. You ideally want people to come away from using your site feeling as though they have had a wonderful experience, one that they are going to really enjoy and which they’ll want to repeat. That will help with bringing them back, and with encouraging them to speak to other people about your site too – which in turn will lead to many more customers in the future for your business. Make sure you focus on that, and the results will soon come in.