Three focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. With the world becoming more environmentally focused, you also want to figure out how to make your business more Eco-Friendly. The following contributed post is entitled, 5 Quick And Easy Ways To Make Your Business More Eco-Friendly.
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Green leaf inside a lightbulb – Image Courtesy of Pixabayt
It’s easier than you think to make your business more eco-friendly, and it doesn’t cost the Earth either. So here are some quick and easy ways to a greener and more sustainable office.
Use Renewable Energy Solutions
Every day, a free and plentiful energy source is located directly above you. All-day long, the sun offers enormous amounts of sustainable energy. So naturally, how much energy your solar panels can store depends on how much daylight there is. But you can still benefit from commercial solar panels in relatively gloomy nations like Britain. It’s a common misconception that you need to be somewhere hot. That’s not accurate. You only require daylight. And with summer quickly approaching, this is a great time to start using solar panels to save.
Develop Company Energy Savings Policies
Employees are almost always a company’s most considerable expense. In addition to paying them fairly, you don’t want your employees to waste energy, which would increase your costs. Since electricity costs are currently out of control, you may have to charge your customers additional fees. Fortunately, policies and employee education can help you reduce energy use. For instance, mandate that computers and other devices be turned off when not in use. Additionally, you can switch off the lights if the sun reaches over 800 lumens.
Make Your Business More Eco-Friendly with Fans
Air conditioning is necessary to keep workers cool in hotter climates and seasons. However, operating, maintaining, and running HVAC systems is notoriously expensive. In addition, HVAC systems lose a lot of efficiency over time. Ceiling fans, on the other hand, can help you save a sizable sum of money. For example, a ceiling fan uses no more than 60 watts on its highest setting, compared to HVAC, which operates at almost 4,000 watts. Therefore, you will use more than 75% less energy than an inefficient HVAC system, even with 10 ceiling fans running.
Manage Your Water Supply
Water is one of the world’s resources that is overused and underappreciated. In developed countries, most people don’t think twice about how much water they use. However, there are less fortunate citizens in underdeveloped nations who are suffering from drought and passing away from dehydration. Because of this, you must recognize the importance of water and take precautions to minimize waste. Ample safety and drainage systems are necessary for effective water management. And part of that is a well-maintained system for rapid water control.
Use Sustainable Products
Plastics that are only used once are bad for the environment. Wasted plastic items like can rings, food containers, and fishing wire cause suffering to millions of animals, fish, and birds. With reusable items, we can do our part to reduce the amount of plastic in the environment. Additionally, you and your staff will both benefit financially. For instance, in the USA, the cost of bottled water can be 2,000 times more expensive than tap water. But you can encourage employees to reuse plastic bottles to save water, plastic, and money.
You can make your business more eco-friendly pretty easily. Installing renewable energy devices is a great start. But you can also manage water and use sustainable products.