Two of the focuses of my blog are General Education and Technology. While the Coronavirus/Covid-19 Pandemic/Crisis has created tremendous uncertainty for human health and our ways of life in general, it has also called into question the long-term education landscape. It’s been speculated that education will now move towards an increased digital paradigm. The following guest post is entitled, How the Future of Education May Develop Online.
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We have reached an age where advanced technology has become so deeply rooted in our daily lives and plays a major part in many of the core aspects of society. From recreation to work, everything is an amalgamation of celluloid, pixels, and wires. Another sector that has been steadily seeing its new face in technology is education.
These days, not only is tech integrated into lessons and curriculums, but it has also become a mode of learning in itself and a platform for teaching. From kindergarten to senior high school to post-graduate studies, online study has become the norm for millions of students in the new generation. This may beg the question, “is online schooling the future of education?”
The Virtual Shift
Learning toward different levels of education is available online, and some courses cater to shorter curriculums and specific topics alone. That is because, with the digital system, students have access to a vast library of different media and resources at their fingertips while being able to communicate with teachers and other students remotely.
Being able to share work in real-time and have hands-on activities also hasn’t been removed. Streaming platforms and cloud office applications have removed this limitation from students, no matter where they are as long as they have internet access. Even for those who aren’t in fully online schooling programs, data revealed that physical institutions are holding more and more online classes to cater to distance students. The same study even showed that over half of the students who still study on-campus also have at least one distance class they are taking.
As student sentiment gears toward the virtual space, institutions are also starting to put in resources toward making this work because it can be more cost-efficient and resolves a lot of the issues that come with having to go on-site. Operationally, this is beneficial as location no longer hinders potential enrollees and employees from joining a school. Both instructors and students can work remotely and no longer have to deal with commute issues, making the shift an attractive one in terms of finance and logistics.
Access Online
A major factor that is making online studying more lucrative is its accessibility. Different teaching and learning styles are catered to, and the flexibility in time allows people who have other obligations to be able to pursue an education.
One of the biggest things that also make it accessible is in terms of finances. Because the costs are different, you can often find an institution that offers online courses for a more affordable tuition fee. For this reason, different levels of financial status can still look into reliable schooling that is credited.
It can cater to those who live far, with barriers are removed and culture shock is lessened. For these reasons, it continues to grow each year as more and more individuals flock to the new educational sphere that they can pursue comfortably. With the recent health crisis in full boom, the world has mostly adopted this system and has seen its merits as people must continue to learn and go about their work from home. With all of those factors essentially making everybody shift to digital means, the future may just be up on a screen.