Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. The decision to start outsourcing is a critical strategic move for any business. Successfully outsourcing can propel your business to the next level if it is done correctly. The following contributed post is entitled, Which Areas Should Your SMB Outsource?
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Outsourcing is something that many startups don’t consider for themselves. They wrongly believe that it’s something that comes much later down the line, that it’s something that only much larger companies and corporations can benefit from. Outsourcing is where you hire a third party to tackle a designated area of your business. It could be a one- off job or it could be ongoing such as managing an entire department. It’s something that any company can utilise, but is especially ideal when first starting out, as instead of spending money on larger premises, more equipment, hiring and training staff and more, you can pay a company to tackle that area.
This is something that most smaller and medium sized businesses choose to outsource, and for good reason. Manufacturing yourself requires a lot of money and materials upfront to get started, from steel watertanks to machinery, power tools, vehicles- not to mention warehousing space and qualified staff to run everything. Outsourcing your manufacturing is usually the best option until you’re a much larger company.
Your website, social media and all elements of your business online are some of the most important. When you outsource your IT department you can be sure you’ll never be left with a website that’s not loading properly, or issues online that could be costing you money. Research shows that online customers are impatient, if someone clicks on your site and it doesn’t work they’ll click off within three seconds and may never return.
Blog Writing
Blogging is great for business, it makes your site look professional and helps you to gain followers and more interest in what you sell. However, writing high quality content on a regular basis is time consuming. Outsourcing the work for freelance bloggers means your blog will stay updated, and you won’t have to find the time or man power within your own team to do this.
Video Editing
Along with a well written blog, high quality videos on your website or on a Youtube channel for your business can help you with your success. These videos can go viral and be used as promotion, or they can be instructional guides if what you do or sell requires this. They could involve a landing page video which introduces and talks about your business giving more information. But they need to be done well, outsource to a video production or editing company for the best effect.
Human Resources
There are many legal considerations when it comes to human resources, as this department deals with things like bullying in the workplace, employee theft, hiring, firing and other very important issues. When you work with a specialist HR company you can be sure that everything will be handled fairly as they will be well versed in the ever changing law.
You can outsource just about any area of business these days. Not only does it save you money, but it can give you peace of mind too, as when you hire a professional company, you know that they’re professionals in their area and you can trust them to do a good job.