Two focuses of my blog are Career Discussions and General Education. No all employees are created alike. Some are more effective than others. There are keys to become one of the former. The following contributed post is entitled, How To Become A Results-Driven Employee.
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Now more than ever, recruiters are particularly concerned about hiring the right candidate for a job. The truth, though, is that every job applicant has their strengths and weaknesses. However, the focus should be on their suitability for the advertised job and how they can benefit the company. Considering that a little over 6 million people are unemployed (August 2022 stats), you will find it crucial to be that team member any company would not want to lose. These are some ideas to help you become a results-driven employee.
1. Be innovative in measuring your outcomes

Although your employer may have a performance rating system to measure your productivity, there is more you can do. When you work in sales, marketing, and figure-crunching roles, it can be easier to measure your outcomes. All you need to do is to measure how much money you brought into the company or how much you helped the business to save. It is pretty clear-cut and straightforward in these roles. However, it can be a little difficult when you find yourself in a role that does not offer these clear self-evaluating indicators. Fortunately, there is another way. All you have to do is return to the signed job contract.
What KPIs and expectations are outlined in your employment letter? It would be best to summarize the points and make each one a personal goal. Every month, measure your outcomes and match everything you have done in the period against your overall goals. If it aligns with your KPIs, you are on track to being a results-driven employee. On the other hand, if they don’t, you may need to rethink your role and the personal strategies required to excel at it. Being results-driven goes beyond doing your job. It has more to do with the value you bring to the company. More importantly, it has everything to do with the positive outcomes of your daily tasks.
2. Always have a contingency plan
You can never underestimate the essence of a backup plan. They can be lifesaving and speak to your proactive nature as an employee. It is unarguable that no employer wants to lose money. Whether through operations or workers, the focus is on minimizing risks and maximizing time and profit. That is where you come in as a results-driven employee. Having a contingency or backup plan means you have already analyzed the risks likely to arise when completing the tasks and projects you handle at work.
The alternative methods you have planned will come in handy if obstacles or challenges arise. It shows preparedness and is also evidence of your personal drive to succeed, regardless of the prevailing circumstances at work. As Kate’s podcast puts it, you must hold yourself accountable.
3. Prioritize your tasks

How often do you group your work activities under the following priorities: important, urgent, costly, etc.? Prioritizing tasks offers an opportunity to progress with several activities simultaneously. It reduces time wastage and is a constantly motivating technique to complete daily tasks. For example, if your car developed an engine problem and a flat tire, you would expect the mechanic to attend to the most pressing issue. This would be the engine, after which the tire can be sorted out. By understanding the impact of timely decisions on your work, you set yourself on the path to becoming a results-driven employee.