The Flash Movie: The Dying Business Of Making Superhero Movies

“In short both studios need to strip everything down and get back to the business of telling elemental stories of good and evil independent of social and political narratives.”

The Dying Business of Making Superhero Movies

I initially started the Big Words Blog Site to continue my writing journey. I started a second blog entitled, Big Words Authors where I created a page for my book project The Engineers: A Western New York Basketball Story. Here on the Big Words Blog Site, I now publish lots of guest content on numerous topics. The original writings on this site were my own personal stories and thoughts. Some of those writings involved money, business and in some instances movie reviews. Some of those reviews were superhero and science fiction movies. This short offering will involve all three and discuss the seemingly dying business of making superhero movies. It will focus on DC-Warner Bros and Marvel-Disney. It will specifically focus on The Flash Movie which is performing horribly in movie theaters. I wrote a similar piece in tandem on Big Words Authors.

Franchises Falling on Hard Times

Both franchises/studios have fallen on hard times for one reason or the other and fan support is waning. Marvel-Disney created masterpieces with phases one through three of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). They unfortunately forgot what made them successful or decided to depart from it altogether. They did this by demasculinizing the MCU and flooding it with stories no one cared about.

DC-Warner Bros repeatedly shot themselves in the foot trying to keep up with Marvel-Disney. The executives at DC-Warner Bros ultimately ruined a golden opportunity to create a string of Justice League movies with DC’s pantheon of heroes and villains. The latest failure from DC-Warner Bros seems to be The Flash Movie for numerous reasons. I created the videos below on my entertainment and media YouTube channel on the movie. The first captures my enthusiasm leading up to opening day. The second is my reaction to The Flash Movie and thoughts on why the fan enthusiasm and support were paltry.

Getting Back To Making Quality Movies

In short both studios need to strip everything down and get back to the business of telling elemental stories of good and evil independent of social and political narratives. Making movies is a business for the movie makers and entertainment for the paying audience. In a free-market capitalist economy, the customers ultimately choose what they will and won’t spend their money on. Paying customers are likewise the x-factor in determining whether a movie is a success or failure. These large movie studios need to thus be mindful of what the customers want.

According to two articles from Cinema Blend, The Flash Movie made $55 million on its opening weekend and then experienced a 73% drop in its second weekend, earning only $15. I discuss the reasons the movie is underperforming in the second of two videos embedded below from my entertainment and media YouTube channel. Please look at them if you have a moment. Again, the first video captures my excitement leading up to the movie and the second video captures my reaction. Thank you for reading this blog post and also please consider joining my newsletter. The details are below the embedded videos.

Let’s Get Nuts: I’m Looking Forward Seeing The Flash Movie

A Tepid Turnout For The Flash Movie: My Reaction With Spoilers

The Big Words LLC Newsletter

For the next phase of my writing journey, I’m starting a monthly newsletter for my writing and video content creation company, the Big Words LLC. In it, I plan to share inspirational words, pieces from this blog and my first blog, and select videos from my four YouTube channels. Finally, I will share updates for my book project The Engineers: A Western New York Basketball Story. Your personal information and privacy will be protected. Click this link and register using the sign-up button at the bottom of the announcement. If there is some issue signing up using the link provided, you can also email me at [email protected] . Best Regards.

The Neglected Subconscious Benefits Of Movies On Young Minds

Two key focuses of my blog are General Education and Health/Wellness. While it’s not understood, movies actually benefits for the minds of young people. The following contributed post is entitled, The Neglected Subconscious Benefits Of Movies On Young Minds.

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Image Credit: Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

It is no secret that people love going to the movies. Whether you are a child, teenager or adult, there is something about seeing your favorite character on the big screen that provides an unparalleled experience.

Research has shown that this can positively affect the subconscious mind in adulthood when your kids watch films with powerful characters. This article will explore some of these overlooked benefits!

Educate on Social Issues

Movies can help educate your kids on social issues. For example, when they watch movies about bullying, they can become more sensitive towards their peers and are less likely to become bullies. In addition, films with women in leadership roles can help children learn to see women as equals in society.

Understanding Other Cultures

Movies can help children understand other cultures and their customs. For example, by watching movies with people from different backgrounds, they can slowly start understanding other cultures in the process. This shift is necessary because many films today focus on Western culture, but there are websites to watch any movie. For example, if you love to watch Asian movies, you can search how to watch Japan Netflix Movie and get help to do so.

Inspiring Creativity

Movies are a place where your children can get their creative juices flowing. For example, if there is a song playing in the movie that they love or an animal on screen they want to learn more about, it gives them the incentive to do research outside of class and discover new things for themselves. As a result, movies foster their creativity in the process.

Increased Emotional Intelligence

Research has shown that watching movies as a child increases emotional intelligence. Therefore, your kids will have the ability to better understand and react to other people’s emotions without being overwhelmed or confused by them. Emotional intelligence is vital for leadership and forming connections.

Expanding the Mindset

Kids who watch movies are also able to expand their mindset. For example, suppose they see a character in the film that is different from them. In that case, they start to understand differences and similarities between themselves and others, making it easier for them to feel comfortable around people of all races, genders, and backgrounds.

Developing Empathy

Additionally, research has shown that when kids watch movies, they will develop empathy faster than those who don’t. Typically, if an actor/actress on-screen does something wrong but gets punished later for it, then kids are more likely to believe that what happened was fair. Ultimately, such scenarios teach children about morality and justice for all.

They Stimulate Interest in Science

Movies can also teach scientific discovery. For example, if a character in the film is working to find an answer and then eventually does so, this will help children learn that anything is possible with enough time or effort. Kids need to know that these types of discoveries are within their reach at a young age as well! After all, prominent scientists got inspiration from cartoons like Elon Musk to go to space.

Kids Become More Tolerant Of Diversity

Finally, movies can help kids be more open-minded. For example, if a child dislikes someone in the film, they may find themselves tolerant of the person after seeing them being hurt or mistreated by those around them.

It also helps with their understanding of people who are different from them or similar to them. So, therefore, instead of feeling alone or isolated, they will embrace whatever makes them unique, and they’ll know there’s somebody out there just like them.

Promotes Diversity and Acceptance

Movies can also promote diversity and acceptance. For instance, children who don’t travel can understand that different races, religions, and cultures make up humanity. Ultimately, such understanding eliminates unfounded prejudice and hatred.

Moreover, if a child sees someone in the film with a disability or losses they may have undergone, it will help them understand that their situation is not permanent. Since they might not have known others go through similar struggles as their own, but now, through television, they will embrace the endless opportunities despite the obstacles.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, movies can be a fantastic way for children to learn more about the world around them and interact with it. They provide many easy enough benefits for kids of any age level to take in, so make sure your little ones have plenty of access to these types of films. Moreover, through film, children understand complex concepts that you might have had a hard time explaining.