Two focuses of my blog are Organizational/Management Discussions and Workplace Discussions. As an employer/manager, one of your utmost concerns is that of the safety of your employees. The following contributed post is entitled, Tips For Ensuring Employee Safety In The Workplace.
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The health and wellbeing of your employees are paramount to your business. The last thing you want is for an employee to become sick or injured due to something that could have been prevented in the workplace. As an employee, it’s your duty of care to keep your employees safe and you need to regularly check that the office is a safe space for people to work in. If your health and safety practices haven’t been updated in a while, it’s a good idea to look into these, or if you have recently started a business and want to cover your back, this article should help. Here we look into some top tips for ensuring employee safety in the workplace.
Do an audit of the building
While your building might seem safe, it’s a good idea to get an external firm to check. It could be that you’ve been sold somewhere that has asbestos, for example, and you’ll need an asbestos law firm to help you deal with any repercussions of this. An audit will help you to recognize any potential safety flaws and cover you and your employees against any potential harm that could come to them or you.
Consider their mental as well as physical health
The mental health of your employees is just as vital as their physical health so you need to take steps to manage this. Ensure your employees know they can talk to you if their workload is getting too much or that HR is there to help them if something is stressing them out. Give them the option to work from home which can help to ease the long days of commuting and regularly be sure to check in that they are doing ok. If an employee has gone through a tough time or is struggling with something, let them know you are there for them and see what you can do to help.
Ensure their workstations are set up correctly
If your employees are spending a lot of time behind a desk, they can suffer from something called RSI – repetitive strain injury. To help stop this from happening, make sure you install things such as footrests and wrist supports as well as screens with protection for their eyes. If they are doing a manual job such as on construction, ensure they all have the appropriate footwear and clothing to keep them protected and make sure they’re all trained and know what to do and wear on a daily basis.
These are just a few things you can do to ensure employees remain as safe as possible in the workplace. Ensure to always keep on top of this and update your manual regularly. Do regular checks on things such as your fire exits and the condition of the building and speak to your employees to ensure they are happy with everything. Have you recently taken further steps to ensure your workplace is safe for your employees? If so, what have you done? Let us know, we’d love to hear from you.