Two focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. Depending upon the type of business you’re running, it might be sensitive to changing weather conditions. The winter months likewise have put stresses on certain businesses over the years. The following contributed post is entitled, Extra Health And Safety Precautions Businesses Need During The Winter Months.
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Health and safety is always important for businesses, but there are extra challenges to deal with in the winter.

The cold weather can make your employees feel tired and less productive, it can cause injuries from slipping on ice or snow, and it can present safety hazards that need special attention. Here are a few key things to consider as you prepare your business for winter:
Dress Properly For The Cold
Wearing appropriate clothes for the cold is one of the key things you can do to stay safe in the snow. Dressing in multiple layers is best; this allows people to adjust their clothes based on how they’re feeling (for example, taking off an extra coat if they start getting too warm.) Make sure that all exposed skin is covered by clothing or sunscreen; sunburn on ears and noses is especially common during winter.
Clear Ice And Snow
When it snows, salt or sand your sidewalks to provide a safe walking surface that won’t freeze over. You could also call in a snow removal company if the situation is particularly bad. This keeps people from slipping on an unseen patch of ice and injuring themselves. It also helps them avoid the temptation to walk in the street, where they’re more likely to be hit by a passing car or bus, so make sure you remind workers not to do this.
In addition to salt, calcium chloride spray can help keep sidewalks clear of ice for longer before it has a chance to re-freeze. This makes it safer for pedestrians and reduces the risk of damage if they need to shovel afterward.
Watch Out For Falling Icicles And Snow
Falling icicles and snow present a hazard that needs to be dealt with. Check rooftops regularly for accumulations of ice or snow, and consider getting someone up on the roof to remove anything that might fall down and hurt pedestrians or damage property.
Be Careful With Heating Devices
A safe workplace isn’t one where workers are uncomfortably cold; it’s one where they’re not too hot either. Things like space heaters, stoves, candles, etc., should never be used indoors without proper ventilation. This is particularly true if you have gas appliances (which should always be properly vented anyway.) If your employees use these sorts of devices, make sure they’re trained in their use and safety precautions.
Additionally, consider moving heaters and candles and such away from areas where people congregate (such as break rooms) to avoid accidental fires.
Check The Forecast
Check local weather forecasts regularly during winter months, particularly in advance of days when you know there may be precipitation. This will help you plan ahead and keep employees safe. If heavy snowfall or freezing rain is expected, make sure that your business is ready to handle it by clearing sidewalks and parking lots of ice and snow, and stocking up on de-icer spray (or sand/salt mixtures.)
It’s vital that you take these extra precautions during the winter months to keep yourself and your employees safe.