Two focuses of my blog are Career Discussions and General Education. One of the most important decisions you will make for your life is the career path. It will affect both your personal fulfillment and it will impact other aspects of your life. The following contributed post is entitled, How To Try and Identify a Career Path.
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Featured image courtesy of Pexels / Gabby K
Figuring out your career path can be very challenging. Just think about how many options there are! If you are someone that is considered indecisive, it can be a real battle to find, and stick with, one particular field of study and, or job. Still, the fact that there are endless opportunities out there should be something that brings everyone joy.
But despite the number of opportunities out there, you still have to try and decide what job is right for you. Do you want to be sitting at a desk all day? How about using heavy machinery at the crack of dawn? And that is just the tip of the iceberg.
With that being said, there are definitely some careers people can immediately cross off the list when trying to find a starting point. If you faint at the sight of blood, becoming a doctor is probably not the right path. Hate working with numbers? Do not look into becoming an accountant or statistician.
Still, the point is that you should try and coincide your passions and interests with what you will be doing day in and day out. For example, if one of your core beliefs is to help people, maybe you want to look into the great career of social work ( you can learn more about a social work degree here).
In the same breath, it is worth mentioning that some people would rather try and have a career that can promise the most money. Going to law school and becoming a lawyer may not be the most fulfilling for someone, but if their main objective is to maintain a career with a constant flow of a high amount of income it could be just the job for them.
But even if money is the motive, it is still important to try and find a career that will make you excited to go into work. As the old saying goes, money doesn’t buy happiness. In a sense that is true, but in the same breath, money can make things a lot easier. And according to some studies, there is a threshold where money does stop bringing about happiness.
And yes, it is obviously important to find a job that gives you enough income to live a normal, sustainable life. No one wants to be grinding their tail off just to end up living in a run-down apartment where hot water is as rare as winning the lottery.
But at the end of the day, whether or not you can find a great career path for yourself is up to you. If you want to live in a world where you are paid scraps but love doing your job every day, more power to you. If you want to grind yourself to a nub just to make as much money as possible for you and your family, that is your decision.
Either way, it all comes down to your choices. You may have a lot of questions on where you want to go in life, but there is only one person that can answer those questions: you.