Three focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. If you’re in business, a key aspect of your marketing strategy today has to involve social media as so many people are now plugged into it. The following contributed post is entitled, How To Nail Your Social Media Branding.
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Image Credit: Pexels. Free to Use Licence.
Building a brand for your business is one thing, but ensuring that your brand is relevant and carries over to your social media is another. Effective social media branding is an essential component of any digital marketing strategy and can be the difference between success and failure. If you’re unsure how to build your social media brand, then here are some tips that you may find useful.
Go back to basics and define your audience
Before you take a branding idea and run with it, it is crucial that you first take the time to thoroughly define your target audience. Defining your target audience on social media will allow you to create a brand identity that effectively resonates with the audience that you are trying to reach. When determining who your audience is, try not to cast your net too wide as this can make it difficult to refine your branding and does not automatically ensure that you will capture your target customers.
Don’t feel as though you need to be on every social media network
As you begin to define your target audience, it may start to become clear that your audience is not present on all social media platforms. Rather than wasting time, money, and energy on creating a brand presence on platforms your target customers do not use, start by focusing on one or two platforms that they use on a regular basis. Facebook and Twitter are usually a great platform to start with, as is LinkedIn if you are B2B, and Instagram for B2C content, but you may also want to consider trying TikTok, or YouTube who can help you to harness the power of video.
Create consistent valuable content
Your social media content is a direct reflection of your brand and should be written and designed to reflect your tone of voice and company values. Not all of the things you post need to have a sales angle, but it is essential that everything you post provides your followers with value. To make sure that your content is well thought out and is consistent, most businesses create a content strategy and try to build their content well in advance so that they can see how it sits together. As a general rule, for the maximum engagement, you should aim to make one Facebook post per day, 1-2 Instagram posts, 15 Tweets, 1 LinkedIn post and 1 TikTok per day,
Don’t be afraid to ask for help
Lastly, don’t be afraid to reach out for help from a professional branding or social media agency. Creating an effective social media brand and an efficient strategy is time-consuming and complex, which simply makes it unsustainable for many businesses to take on in-house. Do some research and get more information from some branding and social media agencies that cater to your sector to see if this is an avenue that is worth exploring.
So there you have it – a few simple tips to help you nail your social media branding. Is your business on social media? Which social media networks do you use?