The first principle of my blog is Creating Ecosystems of Success. Many of us start off the year with specific goals in mind but fall off the wagon somewhere. Despite losing focus, it’s never to late to retool and continuing on your path. The following contributed post is entitled, Goal Setting 101: It’s Not Too Late to Pursue Your Resolutions.
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If you are like most people, then you made your resolutions at the beginning of the year. However, now that we’re halfway through the year, you don’t have to wait until next year to kick start your goals, why not start now? Below are a few steps that can help you achieve your career resolutions.

Learn a new skill
Regardless of the field you’re in, there are other skills that you can learn, and that can help your career. Is there a specific skill that you have always wanted to learn? Make it one of your career goals of the year and get started. If that skill can enhance your performance at work, your employer may even be willing to pay for it.
Examine your areas of growth
Of course, you had already set your resolutions at the beginning of the year, but you may want to revisit them. Unfortunately, some goals, like getting a raise, can backfire. Instead, focus on resolutions that are tied to your values. The bottom line is that your resolution isn’t as important to the reason why. When your resolutions are tied to your values, you will have the intrinsic drive to pursue them. Perhaps you truly love helping people improve their smiles by providing them with excellent dental services. Let these values drive your resolutions and partner with Medifit Design and Construct to make your resolution a reality.
Stay healthier at work
Most people set health resolutions, including losing weight. You spend most of your time at work, and it’s important that you do what you can to improve your health. Some of the simple healthy things that you can do include packing a healthy lunch, getting up to stretch after every hour, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, and switching your office chair for an exercise ball. All these small things will help to improve your health.
Create a professional network
There’s nothing wrong about increasing the size of your professional network. In the line of duty, you meet several people, but do you take the time to listen or connect with them? This year, try and find at least one person every month who you can add to your LinkedIn connections and gradually grow your network.
Set yourself up for success
While this may sound like an obvious way to go about your career resolutions, building a strong foundation for your career is important. Ensure that you have an up-to-date resume and improve your LinkedIn profile. Just like your resume, your LinkedIn profile also matters. Regardless of whether you’re searching for a new job or not, having an active LinkedIn profile to showcase your skills, accomplishments, and professional image will boost your confidence.
It’s Never Too Late
Just like Napoleon Hill said, you shouldn’t wait because the time will never be just right. Therefore, whether you’re afraid of progressing your career or you’re just waiting for next January to pursue this year’s resolutions, you may end up spending a lifetime sitting on the bench. There is nothing like the right time when it comes to pursuing your career goals. Remember, procrastination is the mother of failure.