Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. A common saying that, “Image is everything,” and there’s no other context where it’s more relevant than with your business. You want people to view your business operation in the best light possible. The following contributed post is entitled, Why Presentation Matters in Business.
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In the world of business, presentation matters a lot. If you’re going to be successful, you need to project the right outward image. Sure, you could call that superficial and unfair, but that’s simply the way it is. If you’re going to achieve the things you know you’re capable of achieving, you should first get the presentation side of things right. If you’re still not convinced, here’s more about why the matter of presentation really does matter.
People Are Busy
People have busy daily schedules, especially people high up in business, and those are the one that have influence. They’ll want to make decisions quickly and businesses that aren’t presenting themselves in the right way will often be dismissed before even being considered. You need to account for how busy people are and never take their time for granted when you’re trying to impress them.
Competition is Often Fierce
Competition is often fierce as well. This means that you have to get out there and show what you can do right off the bat. If you don’t, you’ll be left behind and the better presented and slicker rivals you have will steam ahead and leave you in the dust. That’s the last thing you want when you’re trying to build a sustainable business with a strong future.
First Impressions Form Very Quickly
First impressions really do matter and they also tend to form very quickly. That’s something you’ll need to be prepared for. Basic things like cleaning with a Floor scrubber and ensuring desks aren’t messy will make a difference when a person of influence visits your office. If those first impressions are not good, your business will be facing an uphill struggle.
And They Usually Don’t Shift
The thing about first impressions is that they tend to stick. If you don’t show people that your business is doing good things and is able to present itself well, you’ll have problems. They will immediately form a negative opinion of your business that will prove very hard to change. It is possible but your task of impressing people is so much easier when you get it right the first time.
People Want to Work with People They Can Trust
Early impressions and the appearance your business projects to the world will say something to people about how trustworthy your business is. If it seems like your business can’t be trusted, you’re going to run into problems sooner or later and customers or clients will reject you. Any business owner wants their company to be looked at as one that can be trusted by clients and customers, as well as business collaborators.

If your business is going to be successful in a competitive market, presenting yourself and those around you well will do a world of good. You need to be able to impress people quickly and show them that your business is one that can and should be taken seriously, so start working on this today.