Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. I key concern for any business is its security. Tightening up the security of your business can increase the likelihood of its continued operations in addition to continued profits. The following contributed post is entitled, Does Your Retail Store Need Security.
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As a customer, you might have been into shops that have abundant security. They might have security guards at the door and wandering around the store as well as tags on clothing and CCTV cameras. You might have wondered why the owners were bothering to throw so much money into security. Surely it can’t be worth it, just to stop a little shoplifting?
If you own a retail store of your own, you should certainly consider upgrading your security to the same levels. Let’s take a look at why.
Keep Your Stock Safe and Avoid Loss
Shoplifting might only be a small problem. But, over time, that problem can grow. Every time you lose stock, you lose money. While big businesses might be able to cope with a little loss here and there, if you run a small company, during a quieter period, this can make a world of difference.
Increase Staff Comfort
Even if you aren’t concerned about a little shoplifting, what about the safety of yourself, your customers, and especially your staff, who will most often be the ones on the front line, confronting any shoplifters or other signs of criminal activity? Hiring a security team, as well as installing other security devices, can help them to feel more safe and secure. It can improve staff morale, increase loyalty and decrease staff turnover. This could save you money, and help you to create a happier, well-run workplace.
Decrease Other Threats
Shoplifting isn’t the only threat that your business could face. Other criminal activity in the area could affect your reputation and the footfall in your area. Having security in, and around your store will decrease these threats.
Helps You to Build a Reputation
Every time someone successfully steals something from your store, they see it as a win, and you start to become known as an easy target. Shoplifters begin to sell your stock on cheaply, and you begin to get a reputation as a cheap store, as well as one that is easy to steal from. The shoplifters return, bringing criminal friends with them. Your customers might not if they hear they can get your good cheaper elsewhere.
Improved Customer Service
Getting a Security Company in could even improve customer service. If you have the same guards in store all of the time, they’ll become part of the team even if you don’t employ them directly. They’ll develop relationships with your customers, and help you to offer excellent customer service.
Customer service will also be improved because your staff will have more time to interact with customers, knowing that other threats are taken care of.
Security Options
Security staff are an excellent option. Having someone in your store full time, or at least during busier periods where your staff might be less vigilant, or less able to watch all areas of the shop, can be exceptionally effective at improving safety and decreasing crime. Alternatively, if you are based in a small shopping area, you might want to work with other businesses to share a security team. CCTV, tags and alarms are also worthwhile.