The first principle of my blog is Creating Ecosystems of Success and two key focuses are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. A key concern for employers is employee safety. If not properly managed, a lack of safety for your employees can be very costly. The following contributed post is entitled, How Responsible Are You For Employee Health And Safety?
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Being an employer us something which most people don’t expect when they are going through school. The idea of having a team of people working for you will seem far-fetched, with the vast majority of the world working for someone else, rather than controlling their own destiny. This makes it very difficult to know what to do if you find yourself in the shoes of an employer, with the responsibilities you have for your team being confusing and often overwhelming. To help you out with this, this article will be exploring the most important of these, health and safety, to give you an idea of what can be done when you’re working to improve this side of your business.
In The Workplace
There are a lot of strict rules in place which govern the way that employees have to be treated in the workplace, along with the sorts of environments they will be exposed to. No matter how hard you work to keep the office or warehouse tidy and safe, though, there will always be a cable or box in the way which could cause an accident. Training is one of the easiest ways to overcome something like this, with the skills you give to your team members protecting you if they ever get hurt by something like this. Along with this, though, it will also make sense to do some research about the laws you have to follow.
Using Machines & Tools
It’s rare to find a job in the modern world which doesn’t involve some sort of machine, with a lot of today’s roles relying heavily on computers to get work done. Of course, though, a PC isn’t really very dangerous, and it will be unlikely that these devices will cause injuries. Something like a tarmac roller or forklift, though, has far more potential to do harm, and you will be responsible for making sure that everyone is trained properly to use them. Along with this, you will also be in charge of maintaining your machines, though companies offering digger and roller hire will often handle this side of the job for you.
On The Commute/Breaks
It can be easy to feel responsible for your employees no matter where they are. During their commutes and breaks, though, they will be in charge of their own safety, and you can will have the chance to step back. If someone has an accident when they’re not on your property or working for you, they will be responsible for their own safety. Of course, though, this doesn’t mean that you can’t help out, with a lot of employees offering self-defense training to their team members to make sure that they are safe on their way to and from their workplace.
With all of this in mind, you should be feeling inspired to start working on this side of your business. There are a lot of people out there who worry about their employee’s health, but this is usually for good reason.