Three focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. In today’s digital age where so much business is conducted online, it’s critical that your website is working at optimal speeds. The following contributed post is entitled, How To Improve Your Websites Speed.
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Whether you use your site for business, blogs, pleasure or a combination of all, it is important to consider the customer’s journey.
Bet you’ve been there, on a different site and due to the lag and delays with loading or navigating their site, you moved on pretty sharpish to a competitors page. Of course, when it comes to your business or blog you don’t want that to happen. This then has a very real knock on effect and will impact on your site’s traffic, building and maintaining a good service and customer satisfaction. All of which you want to avoid. With that in mind, it is always worth reviewing your site when you review and consider changes to optimize your business.
So Why Is It Running Slow
The first step is to run a site speed test to see the actual speeds that are being applied to your site currently.
As to the whys, there could be many reasons. It could be due to some of the links, adverts and widgets you have running across the site. It could be due to the size of images and videos that you have uploaded, or the number of links included.
This does mean that there could be potentially a few aspects to change. But, it also gives you a lot of ways to improve those speeds by making some easy changes.
Here are some different ways to ensure that you maintain great internet and site speeds to stop this happening.
HTTP requests
Consider what is on each page within your site. Every script, image, table, link and so on that requires a HTTP request to load each time, will influence your upload times. There are developer tools available online to help you identify these.
So, once you know how many you have, it is always worthwhile seeing which ones are unnecessary and where possible removing them to enhance your site’s speed.
Dedicated Servers
Where this is something that confuses you or you struggle to find the time to manage your site to ensure it runs at optimal capacity, you can always consider dedicated servers. A dedicated server will give you an instant support system to help you perform better with a knowledgeable team or dedicated support manager in place. Also, not only will they be able to support the speed of your site, they will also have the ability to assist with security.
Check Your Hosting Site
When you were completing the initial set up, you may have opted for free or low cost hosting options to keep your start up costs low. Initially this offered a great stepping stone when getting set up. However, now that your business has grown and developed you’ll find that they need reviewing to support your current traffic needs.
With this you’ll have different options available, such as shared hostings, VPS hosting or a dedicated server.
Each option comes with their women individual benefits and costs so it is worth spending some time to review the options and your budget to allow you the best route forward.