What To Think About Before Installing Solar Power In Your Home

Three focuses of my blog are Home/Living Discussions, Home/Property Discussions and Technology. Many people want to make their homes “green” so that they can take advantage of the abundance of solar power available from the sun. While it’s a good idea, it’s important to be smart about it. The following contributed post is entitled, What To Think About Before Installing Solar Power In Your Home.

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Solar panels are an accessible way to start benefiting from solar power in your home. You get the benefit of renewable energy, helping you to be kinder to the planet and eventually save some money too. Before you start installing solar panels, there are some things that you should consider. It’s not necessarily the right choice for everyone, so you need to think about what it entails and whether it’s going to benefit you. There are both pros and cons to consider, as well as some practicalities to take into account. Think about some of these things before you make a choice.


The cost of solar panels is the first thing that many people want to know. Is it going to save you money each year? How long will it be before you’ve made your money back? It’s important to research prices to find out how much you could be paying. But it’s also a good idea to check a couple of other things. Firstly, check if there are any grants or subsidies to help you pay for your solar panels. Secondly, check if you can be paid for feeding any excess power for your panels back into the grid.

Image from Pexels – CC0 License

Amount of Power Needed

You should think about the amount of power that you want to generate with solar panels. Are you hoping to power your whole home or most of your home? The amount of power you need will determine how many solar panels you want and how much space you’ll need for them. One solar panel can generally produce around 250W of power, which means that ten panels will give you a 2.5kW system. Most people probably don’t have the space to power their whole home, unless they have the space and money to pay for it.

Work to Be Carried Out

The process to install your solar panels also needs to be considered. If you’ll be installing them on your roof, you need to make sure that the roof is strong enough. Any problems with the tiles on your roof could be an issue after the panels have been installed because replacing the tiles will mean you need to remove the panels. So before installing, get your roof checked. A Level 2 Electrician will help you to install a meter for your solar system. They can also carry out other electrical work that might be required if you choose to install solar panels.

Alternatives to Consider

Solar panels are often the go-to choice for renewable energy, but there are other options available too. Consider whether there are other options that could meet your needs instead. Some of the renewable energy choices that you might consider include air source and ground source heat pumps, wind turbines, and even hydroelectricity. Think about what your goals are, your budget, and other factors that might affect what you’re looking for.

Before you install solar power in your home, consider these important things that could influence whether solar panels will work for you.

Why More Iowans Are Using Solar Panels in Their Homes and Businesses

Three focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. In addition to being more environmentally friendly in terms of powering homes and businesses, there are financial incentives for incorporating this type of technology and one state in the union seems to be leading the charge in terms of its usage. The following contributed post is entitled, Why More Iowans Are Using Solar Panels in Their Homes and Businesses.

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Thanks to a number of incentives available, more and more Iowans have been adopting the use of solar panels in their home. Whether it’s tax incentives or easement laws, it’s become easier than ever to start using solar as your renewable energy source of choice. Regardless if you’re a homeowner or a business owner, solar can reduce your energy bills by a significant amount and also offer you a number of other benefits depending on your use case.

Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/mIlvCv21W1s (CC0)

What are the benefits of solar energy?

Solar panels come with a range of different benefits, but the most important ones are:

● A renewable energy source that reduces your carbon footprint.
● Reduced electricity bills thanks to solar energy powering many devices and electronics in your home.
● Low maintenance costs due to no moving parts and high reliability.
● Low maintenance as a user; all you need to do is clean it occasionally to remove debris and dirt that covers the panels.
● Constant technological improvements to efficiency and power generation.
● Space-saving design; solar panels typically stay on your roof and don’t demand extra space in your home or business.

The average cost of solar panel installations in Iowa

According to Energy Sage, the average cost of installing a solar panel in Iowa ranges from $14,408 to $19,492. This can seem extremely expensive, but it offers a constant return in the form of energy savings and there are many financial options and incentives to help you afford the installation. For many businesses and homes, you can expect to get your investment back in just 8 years. This is also known as the solar payback period. After that 8 year mark, any savings from solar are going to be pure savings that will be helping you save money.

These numbers are a rough estimate so it’s important to get in touch with a local solar company such as Iowa Solar to help you crunch the numbers and give you an accurate estimate based on your use case and location. Although the amount of sunlight that Iowa gets per year is fairly average by U.S. standards, it’s the incentives that have helped push many Iowans to adopt solar in their homes and businesses.

Iowa’s history as a renewable energy leader

Even back in March, Iowa passed important legislation that provided opportunities for solar energy to grow in the state. The bill highlighted the codifying of net metering in Iowa law and the grandfathering of existing customers into their current plans. It also discussed the transition to a Value of Solar rate in the future. Thanks to this legislation, Iowa’s solar industry has become a little more predictable and will continue to focus on low costs for all customers for both residential and commercial uses of solar.

Iowa has been a leader in renewable energy sources for many years now. They’ve constantly been pushing for wind and solar investments and, thanks to many collaborations between different organizations, Iowans have continued to enjoy the benefits of the state’s transition to clean energy at all levels.