Two key focuses of my blog are Organizational and Management Discussions and Technology. When you’re running an organization and are in management, a huge consideration is how to create the optimal workspace to get the most productivity out of your staff. It turns out that light has a lot to do with this. The following contributed post is entitled, How Does Light Impact Productivity Levels?
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Many business owners do not consider the lighting in their offices; they simply go for the cheapest solution they can find in order to keep their costs down. However, this could be costing you money, as poor lighting can have an extremely detrimental impact. In fact, did you know that 68 per cent of employees complain about the lighting situation in their office? With that being said, read on to discover more about the issue and why LED office lighting is a must.
Light and productivity in the office
First, let’s take a look at how lighting has an impact on productivity. It is believed that poor lighting accounts for a two per cent loss in productivity per year. This may not sound like a lot, but that is two per cent for each worker! Moreover, 24 per cent of office workers have stated that discomfort and eyestrain has caused a loss of work. When the lighting is poor, it puts unnecessary strain on the eyes, which is only made worse when workers spend all day looking at a computer screen. Their eyes become irritable and they experience discomfort, which means they cannot work as efficiently. Some people need to take themselves away from the environment so that their eyes go back to normal.
This is why you would be wise to consider investing in LED lighting for your offices. There are many benefits associated with going down this route. One of the main reasons they are ideal for the workplace is because they do not contain any toxic elements, and a lower amount of energy consumption is used as well. Not only does this ensure a better working environment, but also you don’t have to worry about your utility bills going up either. In fact, you are more likely to save, as these bulbs are much more energy-efficient. All in all, you will be shocked by how much of a difference LED office lighting can have on productivity levels.
Light and productivity in an industrial setting
Choosing lighting solutions with care is not only important when it comes to an office setting, but it makes a massive difference in warehouses and in a commercial setting as well. If you speak with experienced manufacturer engineering consultants, they will tell you that lighting plays a massive role when creating a manufacturing center for any client. Not only does it make a massive difference in terms of productivity, but it is imperative when it comes to safety as well.
If you do not have the correct lighting within an industrial setting, you could easily end up creating an environment whereby people cannot do their work properly. This presents massive dangers when using heavy machinery, which need to have the perfect setting. You cannot afford to cut corners or take any sort of risk.
So there you have it: an insight into lighting and the important role that it plays in any sort of commercial setting. This should never be ignored at any business!