Two focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. For some entrepreneurs, the goal is not to own a business indefinitely. In many instances, the goal is to ultimately sell it. The following contributed post is entitled, How To Sell Your Small Business For The Highest Value Possible.
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The secret to good entrepreneurship is learning when it’s time to let go. Some of the wealthiest and most successful business people on this planet made their careers by making companies and selling them for way more than their initial valuation. With these profits, they invested in other things – like new business ideas – and the cycle started again.
If you own a small business and might be inclined to sell it, how can you do so for the biggest value possible? We go over three core ideas that’ll ensure you get as much money as you physically can.
Step 1: Sell at your peak
You’re never going to get a good valuation for your business if you sell when things are rough. You need to demonstrate clear evidence that your business is successful. This means financial records showcase your profit margin is getting wider and wider each year.
It’s like buying and selling stocks – you want to sell when the stock price is at its peak. The same goes for your business; when you feel as though you’ve reached a ceiling or are performing as best as you can, that’s the perfect time to sell. You’re selling a successful company that generates profits, meaning loads of entrepreneurs will be interested. This level of competition creates more value for your company as they all want a piece of it.
Step 2: Pick the right time
While this may sound similar to the first point, it comes at it from a different angle. Yes, the right time is when you’re at your peak – but what about the economy? Is it a smart idea to start selling businesses during a recession?
No. The ideal time is when the economy is in a good place and there’s a thriving market for businesses like yours. The second half of that line is very important – when the market demands are in favor of a company like yours, you can secure a massive sale price.
Step 3: Find the right way to sell
Clearly, selling a business is a huge endeavor that requires lots of moving parts. As a result, the only way to sell it should be through a legitimate business broker.
Brokers will help you get more money from your sale as they can handle negotiations with entrepreneurs or other businesses. They’ll also have a catalog of potential buyers that may be interested in what you’re selling. This is beneficial as it means the sale process can go a lot faster. It removes worries that the economic climate might change or your business may start dropping off before you sell it. If you want to sell quickly and get the best possible price, a broker is where it’s at.
Saying goodbye to your first business will feel very emotional. But, this is just the start of your journey. Or, who knows, it could be the beginning of an early retirement. Maybe you get so much money from selling your business, you no longer need to work anymore. After all, that’s the dream, right?