A key focus of my blog is General Education. A topic that’s gaining more momentum today for various reasons is home schooling. Many parents who are dissatisfied with public schools are looking towards this option, but also need to be mindful of all the aspects. The following contributed post is entitled, Successful Homeschooling Tips That Every Parent Should Know.
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In the past, homeschooling was seen as something that would need a great amount of time and effort in order to pull off. This is because homeschooling required that the parent had a lot of resources for teaching. This could mean textbooks, study guides, and other materials that could help the parent set up meaningful lessons that their child could learn from. However, thanks to modern technology and new resources, it’s actually fairly easy for a parent to start teaching their child at home without assistance from their child’s school.
So in this post, we’ll be covering some extremely important homeschooling tips that might be a little different than what you’d expect. Instead of giving out basic information and advice that you can find elsewhere, we’ve prepared some unique advice that will help you change the way you see homeschooling.

Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/VzIsqZ8K9LI (CC0)
Create homeschooling materials with the resources available on the internet
Many parents believe that homeschooling is extremely difficult due to the lack of available resources. However, one tip that will certainly help is to create your own homeschooling materials instead of just using whatever is available on the internet. Do keep in mind that this can take a considerable amount of work, but there are a couple of ways to drastically shorten the time you spend creating them.
One such example is using your online resources to make homeschooling materials from scratch. For example, you can use templates for everything from quizzes to movie guides thanks to a number of online resources. You can even use online tools and a variety of different software to generate things like crosswords that can be really helpful study materials for children of certain ages. You can even use online tools and a variety of different software to generate things like crosswords that can be really helpful study materials for children of certain ages. You can even look at a site like Age of Learning which has a lot of trackers, planners, and helpful little bits for you to help homeschool your child. The more resources you can find to assist you, the easier it will be to create the best possible materials.
Another way to create homeschooling materials is to take what’s already been made and then change it a little. For instance, if you want to create a quiz for your child, then you can take a couple of questions from past exam papers and quizzes that you can find on the internet, mix them up into your own quiz, then present it to your child. You can even take the questions and then alter them a little bit. As long as you know how to work out the answer yourself, this can be a fantastic way to create your own study materials.
In short, it’s a good idea to start looking at ways to develop your own study materials instead of just looking at what’s available and giving it to your child. Not only does this get you more involved and invested in the homeschooling process, but it could potentially save you a lot of money as well. We know that there are a lot of parents out there that simply don’t have the time to create their own homeschooling resources. However, if you want to do this properly and give your child the time and attention they need to be successful in their studies, then it helps to spend a few extra hours each week planning their homeschooling lessons.
Look for more interesting ways to educate your child instead of just using school methods
School typically goes something like this; you go in, you sit down, you read a book, and then you converse with the teacher for a while. Then after a while, you’ll be given a test to see how much you’ve learned. This is usually how things go in a regular classroom setting and it works for the most part. However, the way that we learn about new things and take in information can be greatly improved, especially if you’re willing to try out different methods of teaching.
A great example of this could be watching movies. Movies are a brilliant learning tool when used correctly because they can not only be used to teach new vocabulary and language, but it can also be used to teach analytical skills. For instance, you could watch a movie with your child as a fun way to bond with them, but you can also task them with identifying certain things in the movie such as themes in the story and characters. This can then be used as a way to improve your child’s analytical and observational skills while also teaching them valuable lessons that the movie can offer. It’s one of the best ways to grow several different skills at once and is also a lot more entertaining than just reading a book.
It’s also important to emphasize how good hands-on learning can be. When we start to learn something, it’s easy to lose sight of our progress because we’re not actively doing something with our hands. We can read all about something in a book or article, but until we actually try it ourselves we can’t build muscle memory and familiarity. So if you want to teach something to your children quickly, create a practical activity or experiment that they can try out. Doing this will greatly improve the rate at which they learn, and it’ll help them memorize things more easily.
So to conclude, don’t just use books and quizzes as methods of homeschooling. Instead, look at different ways that you can transform the learning experience by providing them with something a little more unique and interesting. However, that’s not to say that textbooks and quizzes don’t work anymore or aren’t effective. The key here is to mix things up so that your child always has something new to try.

Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/-fP2-cL-6_U (CC0)
Encourage your child to make more decisions for themselves instead of just directing them every step of the way
Lastly, we have to mention how we guide our children when it comes to teaching them new skills. It’s important to understand that while we do need to give our children some kind of direction so that they can navigate a new subject or topic more easily, we must not strip the control from them entirely. We have to start thinking about how we can encourage them to make their own decisions so that they can be prepared for future academic pursuits which are far more self-reliant than early schooling.
One way to do this would be to present your child with a number of different subjects to tackle at the start of the week. Your child can do them in any order and they can pick their preferred ones. This will help them establish some form of preference which you can then analyze to help you create a more tailored study plan for them later. For example; do they prefer tasks that are more hands-on, or do they seem to prefer studying by reading books and looking at examples? Do they prefer science and math as subjects, or do they gravitate towards more creative and expressive subjects? Every child has their own preference and it’s important that you encourage them to make their own decisions.
Once you start doing this, you’ll notice that your child will be a lot more engaged with homeschooling. Unlike regular school where all the decisions are made for them, homeschool gives them an opportunity to be more self-reliant and expressive with their tastes and preferences. So the next time you put together a lesson plan, make sure you give them some time to choose what they want to do instead of making every decision for them.
We hope that this article has given you some new ideas on how to approach homeschooling, and hopefully even solved a few of the difficulties you’ve had with it.