Two focuses of my blog are Organizational/Management Discussions and Workplace Discussions. No matter what type of organization you’re running, one of your key focuses will be keeping your employees and staff motivated. The following contributed post is entitled, Revealed: The Employee Motivation Techniques That Actually Work.
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When you run a business and employ staff to work for you, you should keep in mind that it’s your job to ensure positive morale in the workplace. Employees don’t just want to get paid for their hard work; they also want to feel motivated and valued.
The trouble is, some employers find it challenging to figure out what they can do to motivate their workers. You’re likely reading this because you want to know the ‘secrets’ of motivating people. Take a look at these techniques for some valuable insight and inspiration:

Incentivize Employees That Learn New Skills
Let’s face it: the people that work for you are a talented group of individuals. If they weren’t, you wouldn’t have hired them. But what if you’d like your team to learn new skills and become even more valuable and productive to your business?
One interesting technique is to incentivize your employees whenever they gain new skills and qualifications through your company. It doesn’t necessarily need to be a financial reward; it could be time off work or a meal for them and their family that you cover.
Invite Motivational Speakers to Your Premises
You undoubtedly want your team to offer their best work whenever they tackle their daily projects. After a while, employees might feel like going on autopilot and seldom have any interest in offering 100% effort all the time.
Sometimes, it can motivate your team to hear some wise words from a well-known figurehead in your industry. A guest speaker can inspire people and even help them look at their work from a different perspective.
For example, let’s assume you run a digital marketing agency. Your team may feel like every day is the same as the last, and their daily challenges are very monotonous and predictable. Someone like Lance Bachmann, the Digital Lion, can be very inspirational for your team.
Radiate Positivity
Nobody wants to work in an office or some other commercial premises and feel anxious and depressed. Luckily, you have the power to help foster and radiate positivity in the workplace! There are many ways you can make the working environment more positive and energetic.
One example is to create a recreational room in your office area where employees can play games and chill out. It can be a place where people can go whenever they want a break and take their minds off a stressful situation.
Another way to radiate positivity is by making most of your internal communications positive. Be sure to mention employees by name who do a great job or exceeded your expectations on a recent project, for example. It’ll make your team feel more valued.
Encourage Flexible Working
Lastly, if there’s one thing that the current COVID-19 pandemic has taught businesses, it’s that people need flexible working hours. To that end, encourage flexible working practices so employees can manage their work and personal lives more efficiently.
Such an approach ensures staff won’t get stressed out about their home lives, and they can concentrate on doing fantastic work for your business.