Two focuses of my blog are Organizational and Management Discussions and Workplace Discussions. Most workplaces are businesses and organizations with a purpose. Increasing equality in your workplace however may increase your overall efficiency in terms of achieving that purpose. The following contributed post is entitled, 3 Ways We Can Strive For Equality In The Workplace.
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For women embarking on a career in the modern world, there is still a battle to fight. But it shouldn’t be like this across-the-board. Thankfully, there are many businesses that are striving for equality in the workplace. But what are companies doing to promote equality in the work environment?
Changing the Culture of the Company
Changing the culture of an organization is crucial, but it’s something that is not done overnight. Can be to do with changing how people work. There are many projects that foster collaboration, and this means that when you start to alter the culture of a company and become more inclusive, this means there will be some kickbacks, but this will help to weed out the less forward-thinking employees.
Bringing In Mentors
To facilitate change on a regulatory as well as cultural level, you have to bring in people to mentor. This means ensuring that people are going to listen to an external voice, but also a mentor can facilitate and guide employees in the right direction so that it becomes a proper cultural change, rather than a surface area change.
Educating Employees on Gender Bias
Education is the fundamental tenet of facilitating change in any organization. If you have a look at the infographic below, you can see that when it comes to overcoming gender bias you’ve got to educate your employees as a matter of priority as well as make sure that employees are aware of equality, such as through being paid the same. When it comes to facilitating change in an organization, it can take a lot of work, but equality is something that shouldn’t just be there in the regulations but should be part of the company’s fabric.
Infographic by