Two focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. Contrary to what many believe, a business is about more than just generating profit. In many instances, it will help you tremendously if your current and prospective customer base develops a personal affinity for your business organically. The following contributed post is entitled, 3 Ways To Show Some Skin With Your Business.
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Showing some skin in your business might sound like an odd concept. But it’s not what it seems. Indeed, showing some skin simply refers to ensuring that your business is more than just a number-crunching machine to consumers. That’s important because if you’re just a profit machine then there’s no real reason for your customers to choose you over key competitors. Sure, there might be a USP or too but will this be enough to convince them? We’re not so sure. However, if you let them know who your business is, what you care about, and what you want to accomplish, we might be in with a shot at making waves on the market. Let’s take a look at some of the ways that you can do this.

Give Back
First, you might want to think about giving back to your business. This is a great way to show that you do care about more than making profits. You can choose to support a wide range of different causes found on sites such as The best part is that you can indirectly market your support for a cause like this and use it to drum up media attention. You can also encourage your customers to donate too.
Larger businesses might even want to consider setting up their own charity campaigns. This is a big bold move but it could definitely pay off when approached the right way.
Show The People
Research shows that people are more inclined to buy from a business if they know a little about the people behind it. This is why it’s so important that you do show people who are running the company or at least a charismatic figurehead. If you take this strategy on board, you can immediately get them more interested in updates relating to your business. This could even help push them in the direction of making a purchase. This occurs because they are buying from an individual rather than a machine. It’s particularly useful for SME’s who do have a real opportunity to provide a unique and fully personalized campaign to their clients. You can learn how to show your team off on sites like
Throw A Party
Of course, if you really want to show some skin within your business, then you could just consider throwing a party. The right party could impress investors, employees, and clients alike. Invite as many people as you want to your business extravaganza. The more the merrier and ensure that you use it as a chance to rub shoulders with the right people. This shouldn’t be a way to market directly. Instead, you want to ensure that your clients feel right at home, relaxed, and click with your company. It could be a great time to showcase your thriving office culture.
We hope this helps you understand some of the key ways that you can show some skin in your business model and why this is important. If you take the right steps here it could bring tremendous results for your company on the market.