Two focuses of my blog are Creating Ecosystems of Success and Health/Wellness. Even before the Coronavirus/Covid-19 pandemic, there were a set of specific essential skills that everyone should’ve had some comfort level with, skills that are now more important than ever. The following contributed post is entitled, 5 Skills You Should Learn In Life.
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Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay
If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that you never know what is around the corner, and it is important to be prepared for anything. How many people were thrown into the world of homeschooling this year? Or having to do more cooking as they had to stay inside more? Or what about those who have lost their jobs but used their other skills to make money or to help out with the pandemic? It’s so useful to have life skills as you never know when they might come in handy. Right now, if you’re spending more time at home, then it’s the perfect time to learn a new skill.
You don’t need to be a Michelin starred chef, and while it’s absolutely fine to order takeaways every now and again and pop a ready meal in the microwave, it’s also really useful to be able to make just a couple of easy meals. There are loads of recipes you can make, which don’t require much effort, and these days with frozen or chopped vegetables, you don’t even have to do much preparation. It’s good to know that your family is eating healthily and that you know what is in their meals. Find your family favorites and begin with cooking those, and you’ll soon get that hang of what ingredients work well together, and you’ll build your confidence to be more adventurous.
Survival Skills
Survival information is important in todays’ world. With more people now taking staycations and doing activities such as camping for their holidays, having survival skills can mean a safer but also a more fun time.
When you lose a button or have a hole in your jumper, do you know what to do, or do you just throw your clothes out? Having sewing skills means you don’t have to go out and buy new ones, but you can fix your favorite clothes. Now that’s just if you learn the essentials, but knowing how to make a dress or like in the recent months, those people who are a dab hand at sewing have been so helpful making scrubs for the NHS and making money from making pretty masks for people.
First Aid
Do you know what to do if someone has an accident? Or if someone is choking? Or even just if they have fallen over and are bleeding? Do you know the signs of a heart attack or stroke? It’s so handy to have the basic skills for your family’s safety and for your own. You can pick up a basic first aid book or sign up for some classes if you want to learn more and make sure you get it right.
DIY skills can be a very useful set of skills, not just for your own home, but it is something you can make money from too. People always need home repair, and if you know what to do, then you could be very popular. There are plenty of youtube videos available on how to DIY, so not only will you learn something new, fix something that is broken but also enjoy the satisfaction that comes with doing it yourself.