The first principle of my blog is Creating Ecosystems of Success and a key focus is Career Discussions. As an employer, you often have competitors and have to make sure that you’re doing everything you can do to attract and retain quality employees. Failure to attract and retain the right employees will make the completion of your mission that much harder. The following contributed post is entitled, 5 Things To Be Sure Of As An Employer.
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When you’re an employer, there are many things that you have to consider. Sure, you have a business to run, but you also need to be certain that you’re following all of the right guidelines, and keeping your staff as happy as possible. Striking a balance here can be difficult, but there are some things that you should keep in mind if you want to be a great boss with a happy team of employees behind you. We’ve noted down 5 of them here.
#1: That you pay well
One of the first things to be sure of as an employer is that you’re paying your staff at least the minimum wage. However, going above and beyond this will really help you to retain the right team members, and you’ll find that they have a lot more respect for you if you pay them a fair amount for what they’re doing. Lift them up, and you’ll find that they lift your company up as a result.
#2: That you look after health and safety risks
The health of your employees is integral to your business, and your staff should never feel like their safety is being compromised as a result of your laziness or lack of concern. Whether you’re keeping risks to a minimum or sharing information, for example, pages like what is an ankle sprain – and what should you know? you should be doing all that you can to make them feel safe.
#3: That you respect them
With great power comes great responsibility. That’s what Spider-Man said, anyway. And it’s true; if you let your status as a business owner get to your head and think that you can start disrespecting your staff as a result, then you’re not going to be very well-liked. Sure, you may not see this as a problem, but when your employees move to a company with a better boss, you’ll be sorry!
#4: That you door is open
Being approachable is also important if you want to have happy staff members, because you don’t want to end up with problems just because they feel that they can’t talk to you. Encourage them to bring new ideas to you, and make yourself as open and friendly as possible. This will help with any issues, but will also improve your business when you all work together in an open environment.
#5: That you don’t overload them
Sure, you hire your staff on the understanding that they’re going to do a certain amount of work for you. However, don’t overload them with tasks, and don’t make them work through lunch hours or demand excessive amounts of overtime. Your team are only human just like you are, and they don’t owe you a mental or physical burnout just because you want to get things done quicker!
So, if you want to be a great employer, then keep these 5 things in mind. You’ll have happy staff who are contributing amazing things to your company, and you’ll all benefit as a result!