Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. Outdoors-type businesses can be very lucrative depending on the location and what the location is. If your interested in such a venture, the following contributed post is entitled, Business Ideas For Those Who Enjoy The Outdoors.
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Picture by David Bartus
Being outdoors has many benefits for one’s wellbeing. You get a healthy dose of Vitamin D, it helps you restore focus and gain perspective. Plus according to psychologists, it can also give you the strength to shrug off social pressures and place more importance on valuable aspects of your life such as family, sharing and community, essentially making you a better well-rounded person. When the thought of being confined indoors working fills you with stress, there are alternative ideas for you to develop your own business and spend all the time in the world outdoors so that you can feel energized and motivated to take on the day.
Starting a business that’s in keeping with your personality and values is imperative to ensure you are pursuing a life that makes you happy and that your business doesn’t sacrifice your health and wellbeing causing you unnecessary stress. For those who thrive on being outdoors, that’s exactly where you should be, take a look at the opportunities below.
Gardener / Landscaper And Urban Planner
If amongst being outdoors, being meticulous about design and aesthetics of the outdoors sounds of interest to you, starting a business as a gardener or a landscaper may be your calling. With no particular education and experience required to be a gardener, you may wish to practice on your own and your families gardens before providing your services to customers. The extent of gardening activities you offer is entirely up to you, whether mowing lawns, pruning bushes or selecting and planting perennials, you decide the breadth of your role. The most important part being, you get to be in your favorite place, outdoors.
Farm Business
Without the world’s farmers, where would we be? Becoming a farmer is another option for those who adore the outdoors, however gaining education and experience is recommended as farming is no easy task. You may wish to enroll in a course for agriculture and shadow a reputable professional farmer to better understand what it takes to become a successful ethical farmer. Working alongside a farmer you can establish what you would like to farm, what equipment you need such as tractors and fertilizers from and how to generally and own and run your own business. Although you have the luxury of mostly being outdoors, this work is physically demanding and requires a genuine and passion in growing crops and/or feeding and nurturing animals to carry you through the challenges you will face as a farmer.
Outdoor Activity Club
If you’re friendly, energetic and like instructing, guiding and encouraging others, you may want to consider opening a business for an outdoor activity club. The activities you provide can range from anything such as river rafting, water zorbing, paintballing, cycling or offering general sports such as soccer. You may wish to play on your strengths and choose to become a qualified instructor in the activities you feel most confident, or challenge yourself and seek a certificate for a new activity. This job caters to your need to be outdoors and if you’re particularly adventurous and sporty may appeal to other parts of your nature too.
You are not limited to the above positions for being outdoors because when you run your own business, you can work where you want to in reason. Even if this means working online but sitting outdoors with your laptop (weather permitting) there are ways to adjust your startup business to also prioritize the needs of your health, wellbeing, and happiness.