A key focus of my blog is Health and Wellness. Many people cycle to work for health and productivity benefits. There are numberous other benefits such in the realms of economics and the environment as well. The following contributed post is entitled, 6 Reasons You Should Cycle To Work.
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Photo by Jonny Kennaugh on Unsplash
Now that the weather is starting to get warmer, cycling to work is becoming more and more of an option. Whilst it may not be your ideal method of transport, cycling to work is actually one of the best things you can do when it comes to saving money and looking after your health. Whether you want to lose a few pounds or you’re saving for something special, here are some great reasons to start cycling to work:
– It’s Much Cheaper Than Driving Every Single Day
As mentioned above, cycling to work is a great way to save money. Whether you drive to work or use public transport, you can cut practically all of your costs if you choose to cycle instead. In fact, the only time riding a bike to work will cost you is when you buy your bike. If you’re struggling to purchase a bike outright, you may also find that there are cycle to work schemes you can join. Not only does this mean you can buy your bike immediately, but it means that you’ll barely notice the payments being taken from your account as they’ll be deducted from your pay before you receive it. For more information about cycle to work schemes, you can visit this site here.
– It’s Great For Your Health And Fitness Levels
Cycling to work every day, no matter how far you have to cycle, is great for your health. Not only is it a great way to ensure you’re getting exercise on a daily basis, but it will also encourage you to improve your fitness further as you start to get used to the daily exercise you’re doing.
– You’ll Be Helping Lower CO2 Emissions
Another great thing about cycling to work every day is that you’ll be helping to lower CO2 emissions. Although it may be the quickest and easiest ways to travel, one of the worst things about everyone driving to work each day is that in reality, it’s really bad for the environment. Whilst there are lots of ways you can help when it comes to the environment, one of the best ways to use your car as little as you possibly can and taking your bike instead. For more tips when it comes to helping the environment, you can visit this site here.
– It’s Easy To Keep Your Bike Safe In A Shelter
One of the most common things that stops people from taking their bike to work each morning is not having a space to put it. Whilst that may be the case for some people, lots of workplaces are now using dedicated bike shelters to encourage people to cycle to work instead of drive. If your workplace doesn’t have a bike shelter yet, you could always encourage them to put one in.
– It’s Much Quicker Than Walking Or Using Public Transport
Depending on where you live, cycling to work could be a much quicker method of transport. Not only do you get to cut traffic, but if you’re cycling instead of using public transport you will also be able to miss out all of the unnecessary stops. If you have a long way to travel it will definitely take longer than driving, but once you start to get the hang of it you will pick up your pace and learn the fastest routes.
– It’s Fun And Encourages Happy Endorphins
One of the best things about exercise is that it encourages you to be happy and increases your endorphins. It’s a great motivator for the start of your day and chances are you’ll arrive at work feeling happy and energised. If you struggle to wake up in the mornings, this could be the best possible solution for you.
Are you thinking of cycling to work? What benefits could it bring you? Let me know in the comments section below.