Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. No matter what your business enterprise is, it’s important to think of all the things that could go wrong and how you can be targeted by criminals. There are numerous ways that criminals can attack you operations. The following contributed post is thus entitled, Signs Your Business Is Going To Be Targeted By Criminals.
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No business owner wants to believe that their business could be susceptible to criminal attacks, but the truth is, your business could well be a target if you notice the following signs. Business security, both online and physically, is more important than ever. Don’t wait to rectify any issues you have, or you will probably end up regretting it and wishing you had done something sooner. Read on to get a good idea of whether you could be a target…
Your Data Isn’t Secure
Many businesses have data of some sort and have to keep it safe. This might be your customer data, such as email addresses, phone numbers, physical addresses, and even card details. It might even be the details of your employees. Whatever kind of data you have in your possession, you need to make sure it’s secure. It should be kept on the cloud and safely encrypted so that no hacker can get their hands on it. You’ll find yourself with a lawsuit or two if this information falls into the wrong hands. Even if nothing untoward happens after, this breach of privacy can get you in huge trouble. People won’t trust your business and you might even find that your reputation is ruined.

You Haven’t Taken The Steps To Protect Your Premises
Protecting your physical premises is just as important as protecting the information that you find yourself with online. Making sure your doors and windows are secure, you have metal fencing panels, and that you have a quality alarm system with CCTV will deter criminals. This doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be safe, but it does give you a better chance of keeping criminals at bay. If you keep things on your premises such as expensive equipment or money, you’ll need to look into extra precautions to ensure that crooks can’t get a hold of them.
You Don’t Background Check Your Employees
Many of the breaches that happen can be at the hand of employees; sometimes accidental, sometimes not. If you don’t background check your employees, then how can you know they are trustworthy? How can you be sure that they are who they say they are? You absolutely need to background check anybody you consider employing, or it could come back and bite you. It doesn’t matter how great somebody seems during the interview stages, they might not be who they say they are.
You Aren’t Careful And Selective With Keys And Passwords
Something as simple as password protection can help, providing you take it seriously. You should be careful and selective with keys and passwords – you don’t have to give important keys and passwords to everybody, so make sure the people who absolutely need them are the only ones who have them. Make sure your passwords are strong, impossible to guess, and changed regularly.
Have you spotted any of the signs that could mean getting targeted by criminals? Leave anything you may have found below and tips of your own to stay protected. Thanks for reading!