Three focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and STEM. Wood has been an important natural resource which dates back to ancient times. In today’s world, with the demands across the globe, sustainability is a major concern. The following contributed post is entitled, Is It Possible To Source Wood Sustainably?
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If you’re looking at starting a business and you have sustainability on your mind, then getting your hands on materials that cause as little waste and disruption to environments as possible might well be part of your agenda. However, when it comes to products that are made of wood, what are your options? Can you source wood sustainably, and how do you do it while reducing your impact on the environment as much as possible?

Using recycled trees
One of the ways to reduce wood waste is to make sure that we are making more use of wood that has already been used. Recycled wood, also known as reclaimed wood, has previously been harvested and used for one purpose, and may be used for another. This naturally decreases the number of new trees being felled and can reduce the cost of wood resources by a significant degree. The only issue is that previously used wood has usually already been processed for very specific purposes, so finding the wood that fits the purpose of your own products can take a lot of time.
Selective tree harvesting
If you’re looking to use wood from newly cut trees, then there are ways to make sure that you’re still sourcing them sustainably. For instance, many companies have moved from what is known as “clear cutter,” aka cutting down entire swathes of trees, to selective tree harvesting. Trees are selected based on their viability for the product as well as how much environmental impact removing them might have, marked with tree marking paint, and cut down individually. As such, this can ensure that logging operations don’t lead to environmental devastation.
Know your sustainably managed forests
Of course, for those who don’t plan to harvest the wood themselves, you have to be much more selective about where your wood comes from, in that case. Checking where your suppliers source their wood can reveal a lot about the environmental impact of their operations. Sustainable wood supply is a growing trend in the supply industry, and you can ask about whether or not the company sources their wood from sustainably managed forests, which means that the supplier takes care to ensure that the forest isn’t being over-used or at risk of clear-cutting.
Managing pollution
It’s not just the clearing of too many trees that can cause problems with a forest via the wood trade, of course. Harvesting best management practices have been introduced across the globe to prevent issues such as increased water run-off, sediment flows in forests, as well as plant litter, all of which can impact a natural environment a lot more than you might assume at first. To that end, improving things such as waste management at logging sites and the logistics around those sites to prevent litter and overly high disturbance of the environment have been helping a lot.
With the tips above, hopefully, you can find your methods of using wood for your products sustainably, whether it’s recycling it, selectively harvesting trees, or ensuring you do as much to preserve eco-systems as you take from them.