A key focus of my blog is Career Discussions. In terms of career, not everyone is going to be successful. Nor does everyone have what it takes to be successful. What are the keys? The following contributed post is entitled, 5 Signs You’re Serious About Career Success.
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Every single person is after one thing in life: happiness. Some people find that they get happy through their families and their hobbies, while others find they are happiest when they are embedded in their careers. For most people, the success that they achieve in the workplace or with their study can define how happy they are, and success is an appealing option for everyone. We all want success in some way or another, but actually attaining that success is a very different thing entirely.
You must do all that you can to achieve what you want to achieve, but most of all, you need to figure out what you want to succeed at first. We’re asked to decide what to do at college, with our lives, at the tender age of 18, but many of us don’t really know what we want until we grow up a little. Are you going to find success when you speak to a Commercial Mortgage Banker about buying your first business property? Are you going to feel you have found success when you get to the point where you decide to open your own business? It’s important to identify the signs that you are serious about finding career success, and we’ve got five of those signs for you below.

● You are working to achieve your goals. Those who spend time ensuring that they can achieve their goals are those who are concentrating on their future. Concentrating on your goals and working towards them show that you are motivated and happy to push yourself to the maximum no matter what. A keen, solid focus on what you want for your future is going to show the world that you have plans to meet your goals regardless of what’s happening in life.
● You follow your passions. When you are unapologetic about following the things you are passionate about, you show that you are going to be successful in your future. You will be happier and you will thrive better when you are enjoying what you do – it’s why you should always go after things you feel passion for. When you consider both your wants and needs, you may realize that these don’t always marry much of the time. However, the constant push to achieve is going to be worthwhile for you and it’s an important trait to have if you want to be seen as serious about your career.
● Your goals aren’t short term. You see the mountain you have to climb to achieve your goals over the long-term, but you don’t care. You’re a novice climber, but you don’t care. You are hyper focused on sticking to the long-term goals that you’ve set for yourself and you are using these goalposts as an invisible force to guide your actions. You are plotting life and adding your goals to pieces of paper, and you are increasing your odds of achieving them, too. You are the builder and the climber of the mountain – and you’re ready to win.
● You value your time. People who are successful about their goals don’t waste their time doing things that aren’t goal-oriented. In fact, they spend a lot of their time doing things that will help them to achieve, instead. They don’t apologize for prioritizing their goals, either, they are proud to put their goals down as the most important thing in life.
● You focus carefully. A sure sign that you are ready to achieve success is that you are focusing on one thing at a time and you’re happy to do it. You’re more than ready to get yourself together and multitask to get your priorities sorted. Your level of focus is lauded by all – and you know it!