A key focus of my blog is Health/Wellness. Arguably our most important aspect of health is our mental health. There things we can do to maintain and foster good mental health. The following contributed post is entitled, (Big and Small) Lifestyle Changes for Better Mental Health.
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So many of us struggle with our mental health that is is becoming a very serious epidemic. Obviously, if you are feeling very unwell, it is useful to visit a doctor or therapist and see what they have to offer, but there are lots of lifestyle changes, with big and small, that if you are able, could help you to live a happier, healthier less stressful life too.
Combining doctor’s advice with the following ideas may prove to be useful to you on your wellness journey…
Eat an Enhanced Diet
Although it’s unlikely to be the whole story, there is a lot of evidence to suggest that the way we eat can impact upon our mental wellbeing, as we all know it does with our physical health. Whole foods such as fruits and vegetables, legumes and whole grains have been found to boost mood, as have omega-3 rich foods, while trans fats and junk food have been found to be unhelpful, perhaps due to the fact that they change the bacteria in our guts for the worse. So, by adding more good foods and reducing the number of unhealthy foods we eat, we can easily increase our sense of wellbeing.
Change Your Job
If you do a job that you hate, which is hard work for you and which sees you get few rewards, it’s easy to start feeling stressed out, anxious and depressed. It’s a big step, but if you feel able to take the leap, retraining for a job you know you’ll love could be just what you need to get you out of your funk. Whether you find farming land for sale and ditch the office for a life living on the land or you quit the call center and start work in the office, shaking up your work so that it’s more in line with who you are could be the start of things looking up. Be brave.
Meditating is something you can do in 5-15 minutes each day, but it can be completely transformational for your mental health. Learning how to be more mindful; how to go with the flow more; and how to stop identifying with every negative thought you have, can bring you a peace of mind you never thought possible. Meditation has been shown to improve symptoms of stress, depression, and anxiety, so make it a part of your everyday life.
Travel the World
Taking off and traveling the world might not be practical, and if you’re feeling very mentally well, it might not feel remotely possible, but seeing more of the world when you are able to do so, can really help boost your mental health. Seeing new things and having new experiences can shock you back into the present and put life into perspective for you. It can teach you new things about yourself and show you what you’re really made of. Even if you can only travel to the next state, getting out of your current environment could do you the world of good.
Make as many positive changes, as big or small as you can manage, and your wellness levels will soon start to soar!