A key focus of my blog is Health and Wellness. Living with a disability can have its challenges depending on the nature of the disability. Regardless of what it is though, it’s not the end of the world and there are things you can do to increase your quality of life. The following contributed post is entitled, Making life A Little Easier When You Have A Disability.
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Having a disability, no matter what it may be, can have a huge effect on you as a person. What many people don’t realise is a disability doesn’t have to be something they can visibly see. People can suffer from chronic pain without even indicating to anyone else they are in need of help. People can suffer from a mental disability as well as any physical symptoms. So we must all remember to be aware of this when thinking about such subjects. With that in mind, here are some of the ways you can make life a little easier when you have a disability. Or perhaps you can take this on board if you know someone who is struggling.

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Make changes in the home
The first thing anyone can do is make a change in the home. This may be to just help yourself or others. It can be as simple as keeping things in easy reach or accessible. It might mean changing the layout of your home and having a bedroom or bathroom downstairs. You might want to consider calling in companies who can fit special access to the upstairs. Making things accessible in the home will make life that little bit easier. Examples of this could be a lift to get you to each floor, or a chair lift that can take you up the stairs. Grab handles in bathrooms and kitchens and also help with different furniture.
Add some normality
There is a real need for you to ensure that there is normality to your day and one of the best ways to do that is to try and consider keeping things working, and also to encourage others struggling to get back into the workplace. Letting employers know the circumstances is vital, so that changes can be made to help. If you feel that you can’t return to the job that you once did, then you could reach out to Disability Employment Providers and perhaps start a new journey on a different career path. Life can go on with some sort of routine and working environment.
Stick with routine
It is also important for you to stick with a routine. Your lifestyle may have changed quite a lot, but that doesn’t mean to say that you can’t develop a new routine to suit your new normal. It is also something to encourage others to do if you feel they are struggling, isolating themselves or even spending a lot of time on their own. A routine can be a simple as going to the shops on certain days, heading to work, having food and visitors. Stick with something that works for you and embrace it as much as you can.
Enlist the help of friends and family
Sometimes it can be in our nature to not want to share our problems with anyone. Through fear of being a burden to someone. But in this instance, this is the wrong thing to do. Telling friends and family your situation can make things much better for you. They can help by visiting, picking things up or offering cooked meals on a day that it might be a struggle. The family doesn’t care about materialistic things, all they are bothered about is your well-being. So let them help. It might be worth offering your help out to others if you notice that they seem to be struggling in silence.
Make things easier on your finances
Some people with disabilities are entitled to additional funding. Of course, this might not be for everyone, but it is always worth checking what you may be entitled to. Perhaps your disability has caused you to leave your job or unable to earn any money. This is when the government can step in and help you out. Perhaps you need a carer; this is again another situation where funding might be available. However, some people don’t agree with having help. It is all down to your opinion and how you feel about it.
Accept the help on offer
Finally, don’t be afraid to accept any help you are offered. This might be through the hospitals for extra care and medical attention. This might mean funding or advice about getting back into the workplace. It might be as simple as your neighbour offering you up some food. Don’t be too proud to accept help. If the shoe was on the other foot wouldn’t you be the one offering? Don’t be afraid to make life easier on yourself.
Let’s hope these suggestions and ideas help you or someone your know that may need help to make their life a little easier.