Two focuses of my blog are Creating Ecosystems of Success and Financial Literacy/Money. One of the most valuable investments we can all make is in legal counsel. Many individuals find that they need it and then struggle to afford this critical service. The following contributed post is entitled, 4 Methods For Affording A Lawyer.
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There is a major difference between being frugal and cheap, and there will be some situations that you can’t simply skip out on or avoid paying. Legal fees and legal help from a lawyer will be two of them. Paying a lawyer can be an unpleasant experience, but there are ways to get the legal representation that will not cost you a fortune. So, here are some ways to successfully handle paying those legal fees without stressing out.

Paying by the hour
Whenever you’re looking into family legal advice, you should always try to see what your payment options are, especially during your initial consultation with lawyers. Using a lawyer is expensive, especially when money is tight on your end. A savvy lawyer will use the most suitable legal means of payment to minimise costs and maximise outcomes. While it is becoming rare, some lawyers will only charge by the hour. Therefore, you only have to pay by the hour. This can potentially build up and be expensive, so proceed with caution.
Getting legal help from a university
Getting legal help from a university is a great way to help those struggling with their legal problems. It can also provide students with practical experience and help them network with attorneys. However, you need to remember that you’re rarely getting a lawyer but rather a student who is still learning. So they can provide some free or cheap legal advice.
Alternatively, some universities will get new grads in touch with people who need cheap lawyers; you’re just going to need to hunt around and see if local universities in your area offer this.
Discuss payment plan options
For the most part, lawyers have payment plans, but during the initial consultation, you will want to discuss this rather than just assume. Some of these payment plans may include paying on a weekly or monthly basis, sometimes even bi-weekly. Plus, you may want to see if interest is charged if there is a payment plan, as this does seem to be common.
Getting legal aid
Getting legal aid is a way to get the help you need. However, it is important to know the rules and restrictions for free legal help. If you can find a legal clinic or a lawyer’s association, you may be able to get a free lawyer. If you cannot, you may need to pay a fee.
Some legal aid programs are income-based, while others are more flexible. Legal aid clinics are nonprofit organizations that provide free legal help to the community. They usually take civil cases. Some legal aid organizations have a hotline for people in need of legal advice. These programs help low income individuals and families in civil legal matters. Legal aid organizations usually have limited staff and resources. They may not be able to pay for basic transportation, but they may be able to coordinate with private attorneys. They may also provide a list of other free resources you can utilise.