My blog focuses on Financial Literacy/Money and Technology. One of your costliest purchases is your car. Your car will cost you money even if you take care of it, but if you don’t, it will cost you much more. This is especially true if you live in a geographic region with a long winter. The following contributed post is entitled, Essential Winter Car Maintenance.
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Winter can be cruel to your car, and if you don’t allow it the care it needs, then you will have to bear expensively bad repercussions. From slippery roads with ice on them to bone-chilling temperatures, all feature in making driving hard. Be it going to work or going on a winter getaway, letting your car receive all the due care will save you from a number of unexpected headaches.

Get Your Battery Health Checked with a Professional
As the temperature drops, so does your battery efficiency. Cold weather can weaken your battery’s ability to hold a charge, and luck would have it that you run out of juice at the worst possible time. So, before winter really sets in, you should get your battery tested. A simple stop by a mechanic can tell you if it is time for replacement. If your battery is a few years old already, change it as a preventive measure. Trust me, you don’t want to be stuck out in the cold, fighting off jump starting.
Check Out Your Tires
Tires matter for traction on snowy and icy roads. Your tires should be ready for winter, which basically covers the proper tread depth and overall condition. If your tires are worn, now is the time to get new ones, preferably winter tires for cold weather. These special tires will provide much better grip and control; this can be quite essential for safe driving. Of particular importance is proper tire pressure, since cold temperatures make your tires lose air. Keeping them properly inflated may simply create the difference in maintaining control on slippery surfaces.
Replace Your Windshield Wipers and Fluid
Visibility can become an extreme issue once those winter storms begin to strike the pavement, so don’t take your wipers lightly. Replacing your normal wiper blades with winter ones will face no issue in removing heavy snow and ice. In addition, refill your windshield washer reservoir with a freezing-weather fluid. Regular fluid will freeze on your windshield, giving you a foggy view of the road-not ideal when trying to avoid hazards.
Keep an Emergency Kit in Your Car
You never know when you may find yourself in a winter emergency. Having a well-stocked kit in your trunk can make all the difference in turning a potentially dangerous situation into one you can handle. Stock it with basics like a flashlight, blankets, a first-aid kit, and snack foods that don’t perish. Add a small shovel and some cat litter or sand to assist with traction when stuck. This is especially advisable, since regular could save you many hassles of being stuck in the house when snow piles on the driveway.
Test Your Heat
A functional heating system isn’t only a comfort but a Winter safety feature. Can you imagine driving in freezing cold with no heat on in your car, with fingers numb and immediate fogging of the window glasses? Before winter hits below zero, turn on your car’s heater and see if it’s blowing warm air and if the defroster is clearing your windows. If not, have it checked straight away. Being proactive, this small issue won’t build up into an expensive repair later on.
With these steps taken, you will go into the challenges of winter with confidence and preparedness. A little maintenance now will save you a lot of stress later.