A key focus of my blog is Health/Wellness. While vacations are supposed to rejuvenate us from our everyday lives, they can also be stressful at times. Thus, a major consideration for vacations being able to unplug and enjoy them. The following guest post is entitled, Family Travel Made Easy: Tips for Stress-Free Vacations.
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Traveling as a family can sometimes feel like it’s more trouble than it’s worth. After all, who among us has not experienced either an in-flight or in-car melt-down, potty accidents, and much more? These all-too-common situations usually make the adults question their sanity about even attempting such an experience. However, with the right kind of preparation and a good mindset, you can travel with your family (kids or dogs) and still create an enjoyable experience, which might turn out to be a beloved core memory for your family. Read on to learn more on how to keep vacations stress-free:
Family Travel Made Easy: Tips For a Stress-Free Vacation
Plan Well & Do It Together
If your kids are old enough, and you are okay with them having input on your vacation, start the entire planning process together. This can give kids a sense of ownership that will help them feel a part of what you are planning. This type of personal investment will, in turn, make them much more likely to engage in activities and contribute positively. This also goes for significant others. Make sure that the whole family is involved in deciding on a destination and activities. Of course, it’s impossible to please everyone in the family 100%, but even if you compromise, allowing each member to play some role in planning will greatly enhance the experience for the entire group.
Have an Overall Goal
It’s important to define what your goal is for your vacation. You might say, well, who sets a goal for vacation? However, if you don’t, then each person might enter into the process with an entirely different purpose and outlook, which will only cause conflict. Therefore, talk about the goal of your vacation beforehand, which will obviously alter what you book in terms of activities and where you stay. For example, ask your family if the goal of their vacation is downtime, meaning no planned activities, reading on the beach, just relaxing, or if it’s more planned and organized, like scuba diving or going hiking. If you find that half your family wants to sleep in and spend time without an agenda while the other half prefers to have activities throughout the day, then you might have to split up at some point. Alternatively, you can take turns, meaning you will have some days that are scheduled and some that aren’t to accommodate both preferences.
Pack Well and Thoroughly
Once you know where you are going and presumably what activities you will be doing, you can move on to packing. Yes, this will involve packing what you are wearing. However, for a stress-free experience, packing should also include some items that will prevent meltdowns and injuries or treat them if they occur. Therefore, the following are good extra items you will want to gather to ensure that your experience after you leave home is as stress-free as possible:
● Small first aid kit. There is always a risk of a scrapped knee or cut finger. Make sure you have this with you to address these issues.
● Snacks for the drive or trip. No matter if you are flying or you are driving, you want to have snacks at the ready. No need to create a hangry situation where meltdowns are almost certain.
● Travel documents. Make sure you have your passport and any other necessary documentation either downloaded on your phone or have a physical copy. You don’t want to be searching for your reservation or flight number at a ticket desk. Instead, have all this organized and ready to go.
● Sunscreen. Obviously, you will want to pack sunscreen if you are going to the beach. However, even if you aren’t, if you plan on being outside, it’s a good idea to have sunscreen on hand. Getting sunburned is super easy to do even on overcast days, and when on vacation, we tend to spend more time outdoors than we would do working, so make sure your skin is protected.
● Charger for electronics. During your journey, electronics will likely be your saving grace. Make sure that you have chargers for all your devices, so you can juice them up and have them ready to go the next time they are needed.
● Pack a separate bag for traveling issues. Make sure you have a separate bag with wipes and a change of clothes in case you have to change while on your way to your destination. Of course, this is wise with small children, but even older kids can spill drinks on their tops, so having a change of clothes is ideal for everyone. Add the wipes to take care of whatever mess might have caused the problem.
Allow For Stops and Interruptions
Part of having a stress-free experience when traveling is being flexible and being willing to go with the flow. You cannot anticipate every single stop you will need to make, the traffic conditions, the flight schedule, and more. Therefore, go into the experience almost expecting the unexpected. Then, when it happens, gather your family and determine to make the best of it. If you have to detour out of the way due to traffic, look for a fun restaurant to stop at on your new route; if you have to stop for an unexpected potty break, consider looking in the nearby area for a shop or two to explore (if you don’t mind adding some time to your journey). This will get you all up and out of the car, allow you to stretch your legs, and give you renewed energy for the next leg of your journey.
Embrace The Experience
Last but certainly not least, to have a stress-free vacation, make time to embrace the experience. Take it in. Breathe deep, cleansing breaths. Look around you, talk to your kids. Enjoy your dog’s unbridled joy as they run through the surf. Try to commit your experience to memory. Keep in mind that the point of your journey is to spend time with your family. So, as much as possible, get off your device, take your kids off theirs, and engage with each other. Do something fun together, something perhaps even a bit scary, and get to know each other even better. Don’t put pressure on your kids, but instead, take it all off of them and yourself and simply live in the moment. This is truly how to have a stress-free family vacation.
Ashley Nielsen

Ashley Nielsen earned a B.S. degree in Business Administration Marketing at Point Loma Nazarene University. She is a freelance writer who loves to share knowledge about general business, marketing, lifestyle, wellness, and financial tips. During her free time, she enjoys being outside, staying active, reading a book, or diving deep into her favorite music.