Two focuses of my blog are Career Discussions and Health/Wellness. Each of has to decide what we will do with our lives and what will make us happy. The recent pandemic made lots of people consider this. The following contributed post is entitled, A Change Of Direction: Your Sign To Take The Plunge.
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Although the pandemic was a tragic and challenging time for many; it was also a time of great change. Processes and set-ups had to adjust, and often, completely change; especially when it came to how businesses were run, and how people had to work and earn their money. The lack of social interactions and pastimes, meant that the public also had time to reflect, along with starting new hobbies, habits, and ways of life. However, the world has been slowly going back to how it was pre-pandemic, and many are heading back into the daily commute to the office.
This has brought about many thoughts and feelings on what makes an individual happy, and if their 9-5 office job is quite right for them. This is due to the fact that through adapting lifestyles to suit the situation at the time; many have changed in themselves. Priorities are different, new skills have been perfected, and fresh opportunities have become within reach. If you’re someone who is questioning their career path or job; you won’t be alone. Maybe it’s time to take the plunge, and start working towards your dreams, so that you don’t dread Monday mornings. The following are some simple ideas that could get your started.

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Learn The Tools Of The Trade
A sure way of gaining some skills and expertise in your chosen area, is to invest in some training, or take time to do some learning. You’re unlikely to know or completely understand what it takes to work in a completely new field, especially if you plan to be running your own business. Therefore, gaining plenty of tips and having some tools behinds you, from reputable sources, is a great start to your future. Check out a Marie Forleo B School review so that you can understand what’s on offer, and what to expect from a webinar, or seminar. Not all education and classes cost a lot, if anything at all. Therefore, it’s always worth researching your options and signing-up ASAP!
A Contingency Is Key
As a fledgling business or entrepreneur, there will always be risks; you’re just starting out after all. Therefore, it’s crucial to have saved enough money and resources to tide you over if you face some difficult weeks and months; a contingency, or emergency fund, is important. It might even be worth ensuring that you have a part time job so that you can be safe in the knowledge you’ll always have a regular income, as you build-up clients, or sales.
Keep Your Confidence
It’s important to remember that even the most successful people, often started at the bottom and they will have tried and failed often. What set them apart was not giving up as they had plenty of confidence in their abilities and ideas. So, this is a reminder to keep telling yourself that you can do this; be ready for challenges and failures, and don’t give up. Even if you write and repeat a daily affirmation; do whatever you can to keep believing in yourself, because you can do it!