One of the focuses of my blog is Current Events and Health and Wellness. As we’re riding into the New Year, it’s clear that we’re living in unprecedented times. Everywhere we look, we see alarming things in politics and the media which seems to be trickling down into everyday life. Numerous people are being silenced in the media, and relationships are dissolving based upon differing viewpoints. The following contributed post is entitled, Has The World Gone Crazy?
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Well, you have to admit, it definitely isn’t the place it once used to be. We get that some aspects of our changing world are totally amazing, but you have to look around and wonder, would it not be better for the whole world to be plunged into an old fashioned way of thinking. There are no so many rules and regulations that we have to follow for everything, and arguments over social media and through television programmes with regards to political matters is now out of control. In a world where the governments are always fighting, and there’s a new thing that you can’t say or do each day, how can you ever find peace amongst it all? Well, we have to say it’s not easy. Because for the most part, we can’t help but think that the world has just gone crazy! Carry on reading to find out more…

The Politicians Have Gone Mad
This is definitely something that should be said. In the UK and US for example, the politicians of their governments are steering decisions that are quickly affecting the public. In the UK, you’ve got the whole Brexit issue that only ever seems to be taking steps backwards, instead of steps forward. Politics news is often hard to follow, especially when you have so many conflicting views from the media. Even if the information isn’t exactly true, you could read articles that are full of false information, purely because they’re trying to sell the story. But for the most part, we definitely do think politicians have gone mad. The decisions they’re making is changing the course of history, and some would say completely ruining it. More and more people are saying that topics should go to a public vote more often, rather than just letting a set group of people decide it, especially in the UK.
Restrictions Are Crazy
There are now so many restrictions in life, especially over social media. Everyone is so quick to turn it into a racism issue, or gender, or anything else under the sun that you can think of. It’s now rumoured that you can’t sick the baa baa black sheep song anymore, because it could be classed as racist. Some people are now even asked for the male title of Santa Clause to be strippd, because it’s favouring on gender. Freedom of speech is slowly dying in a way, and we think the world is getting out of hand with all of the restrictions the world now has.
It’s So Hard To Find Peace
If you look around you in the world, it’s actually harder to find peace than you would think. Or perhaps you can expect that with all the acts of terrorism, gang violence, and political hate, it’s going to be hard to find peace. We think the more people who look for it and fight for it, the better place the world is going to be. So many of us rally against the wrong thing, when the main thing we should be fighting for, is peace.