Being in the business of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), there have been numerous requests to the Big Words LLC on a monthly basis to add guest posts, weblinks to existing content, and resources to the Big Words Blog Site. All three forms of content are welcome. However, with the sheer volume of content published on the site and the requests, paid content by nature gets priority. Likewise, in terms of adding content to the site, if a payment agreement is not established, a donation will be requested for guest content (see PayPal buttons below). The general guidelines for submitting content are as follows:
• Guest/contributed posts will have a short blurb (added by the Big Words LLC) put at the beginning of them to acknowledge the writer, the source, and or that it’s from an outside source
• Please provide an image with your piece; if you’ve gotten it from someone else, please provide attribution to prevent any legal snafus
• Should be within one of the site’s topic areas (see the categories drop down)
• Please make sure pieces are as grammatically clean as possible when you submit them
• Stay around 2000 words or less, slightly over is okay
• Please make sure any hyperlinks you use are secure (https)
• Promote the piece in your network once its published
• Send payments via PayPal to [email protected] once the post is live. You can also submit your email address to [email protected], so that an invoice can be sent to you, or use one of the PayPal buttons below. If a piece is published and no form of payment is rendered, the piece will be removed within two weeks.
Payment Prices
• Based upon business conducted with customers, the price per blog post is $15, and the price per adding links to existing content is $20. These prices however are negotiable.
[wp_paypal button=”buynow” name=”My product” amount=”15.00″]
[wp_paypal button=”donate” name=”My product”]